Local Mums recommend the best baby and parenting counselling services in our area

"I highly recommend Baby Confidence to all Local Mums. Emily is so calm and knowledgeable. She has helped us become the calm parents we wanted to be.”
Kate, Local Mum

Baby Confidence
At Baby Confidence, we understand that getting to know your baby, and understanding their individual rhymes and rhythms can be hard. As a parent, you can often feel overwhelmed by the amount of information available, and the role change to “Mum” or “Dad”.
We provide new modern parents with bespoke, evidence-based parenting support, leaving them feeling calm and empowered.
We’ll nurture you so that you, in turn, can nurture and enjoy your child. We appreciate that you are your baby’s expert, but sometimes it helps having access to non-judgemental support from someone who will listen, answer questions and troubleshoot.
Introducing your very own baby counsellor, Emily Pocock. A qualified Paediatric Nurse and Health Visitor, with over 10 years’ experience working with and supporting children and their families.
“I’ll help you become your baby’s expert, where an attachment parenting approach and instinctive parenting results in a happy family.” Emily Pocock, Baby Counsellor
Emily Pocock,
Baby Counsellor
Baby Confidence
Tel: 07919080400
Email: emilypocock@baby-confidence.co.uk
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