Local Mums recommend the best craniosacral therapists in our area

"I highly recommend Fenn Wellness to Local Mums. After session one of craniosacral I slept really well and have definitely noticed a positive difference and my stomach has been so much better. After session two I was really tired straight after and my back pain felt like it had subsided a lot the following day. My stomach has also felt better generally. Soon after session three I had found it easier to cope with stress.”
Sophie, Local Mum
"I recommend Fenn Wellness to Local Mums. My ski-injured shoulder has responded fantastically to Alexander's various different massage techniques. I was particularly impressed that he always had a new technique to offer and try. Now I have so much more flexibility and mobility! Before we started the sessions I had great difficulty resting my head with my hands under the nape of my neck. I have not been able to do this for about three years since I had my ski tumble. The best news is I have booked a ski trip for next year as I feel so much more confident with my shoulder.”
Anita, Local Mum

Fenn Wellness
Alexander Fenn is a qualified massage therapist trained under the professional and ethical guidelines of the London College of Massage, offering a range of treatments in London.
Alexander founded Fenn Wellness because of a passion to help people, ease everyday stress, instill a sense of calm and provide a refuge from daily life. He also has specialised in helping those deal with learning disabilities, those who have experienced trauma, and people suffering from physical or mental illness. His passion for his patients and treating the whole body are his primary focus.
Fenn Wellness specialises in health and wellness in a variety of areas, with focus on craniosacral therapy, massage therapy, dietary plans, group classes and presentations for schools and businesses.
Our primary emphasis focuses on the whole body and how stress, pain and illness affects daily lives, how PTSD and trauma can cause health issues, how approaching learning disabilities in a holistic way can improve concentration and living with dyslexia and ADHD.
Special offer for Local Mums

Alexander Fenn RCST, BCST, FHT
Fenn Wellness
Tel: 07564 022666
Email: alexander@fennwellness.com