Welcome to Local Mum Cress's blog fulll of great tips for free local activities and ways to entertain your kids on the cheap.

Making Time
We spent some time making our own clock for the wall. The hands come ready made and aren’t too expensive, but it meant the kids along with friends and family could help make the clock numbers. We stuck on ours so we can change them whenever we like. We drew lots of circle discs and got everyone to pick a number they would like to draw. Even though we had to buy the wall clock hands, it was still cheaper than buying a decent clock!
Here are the clock hands we bought in black, available on Amazon:

Here they are in silver:

We discovered a lovely park yesterday, quite a find! It’s a large park with fairly unusual play equipment. One of the first I’ve seen locally that doesn’t have any of that chunky plastic stuff from France. There are two play areas, one for larger kids and one for smaller kids, enclosed by heavy lockable gates. Outside of both these areas is another climbing frame with rope climbers in the shape of a ship and a large swing. As you can see, it might be meant for older children! There is also a basketball area at the back.
The spinner was particularly entertaining.
Due to the time of year it all got very nature walky when we realised there were a huge variety of mushrooms/toadstools covering the field. Do watch the little ones if you are over there this time of year, my kids refuse to touch mushrooms if I serve them up for dinner, but will happily try and munch on them if they are growing out of the grass. Should I serve every meal with a side of grass or would I have more luck with vegetables if I served them off the floor?
We went on a Saturday afternoon and there was a bit of rubbish around, but not much dog mess which was nice.The park is right next to South Merton station on SM4 5DX
Here is the link to the park website
Click here is see a Google map of the park location