If you have children who are mad about movies, Young Film Academy (YFA)'s all-inclusive Summer Camp and London-based courses could be just what they want to do this summer.

"Young Film Academy (YFA)'s all-inclusive summer camp is a chance to eat, sleep and breathe movies,” says Costanza Fazi, YFA’s courses and parties co-ordinator. "For young people who love films, whether it’s creating them or acting in them, it's a dream come true!"
Part of the crew:
This amazing summer camp, held at St Catherine's Bramley boarding school, includes all board, meals, tuition, excursions, equipment and activities for kids aged 10-17. Students on YFA summer camp are divided into two crews: filmaking crew (for aspiring filmmakers) and acting crew (for aspiring actors). Students choose which crew they wish to join for the duration of their camp.
"Each crew will develop specialised skills in their own disciplines though practical exercises, workshops and master classes with film industry professionals,” explains Costanza. "And because we passionately believe that the best way to learn is to get out there and do it, the filmmaking and acting crews will then combine in teams to work together for the production of the movies."
Premiere screening
Each week of YFA summer camp finishes off in a premiere screening of all the completed movies for friends and family in the onsite cinema. "There’ll be a packed house, behind-the- scenes special features telling the real story of how that movie got made - and probably some blooper-reels too!” says Costanza.
When students aren’t on set there’s tons of fun indoor and outdoor activities on offer for them to enjoy, including swimming, football, tennis, table tennis, basketball, dance, drama, film screenings, movie quizzes, talent show, excursions, competitions, games and lots more.
Prices and dates
1 week camp £990, £1980 for 2 weeks
Sunday 31 July – Sunday 7th August 2016
Sunday 7th August – Sunday 14th August 2016
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Young Film Academy is also offering some fantastic filmmaking courses in London for kids (ages 8-18) this summer! Courses are based in London (St. John’s Wood, Putney, Chelsea and Shoreditch) and include a 4-day film school, make a film in a day and animation; courses in London start from £115. Find out about dates for courses.
Read Local Mums reviews of Young Film Academy and find our more about our courses
To book your place, email courses@youngfilmacademy.co.uk with your preferred dates. You will then receive a registration form and deposit payment instructions to confirm your booking.
Costanza Fazi
Young Film Academy
Tel: 020 7387 4341
email: courses@youngfilmacademy.co.uk