Local Mums recommend the best dance classes in our area

"I highly recommend Mum Dance to Local Mums. When you listen to an 80s radio station at work and Bonnie Tyler comes on and you have a very strong urge to get out of your seat and run across the room punching the air....that's Mum-Dance!”
Rachel, Local Mum
"I recommend Mum Dance to all Local Mums. I love Mum-Dance, I can come to class in my big girl knickers and feel like I am her out of Flashdance. I think I have no coordination whatsoever but it doesn't matter if you go the wrong way”
Steph, Local Mum
"I highly recommend Mum Dance to Local Mums. When you listen to an 80s radio station at work and Bonnie Tyler comes on and you have a very strong urge to get out of your seat and run across the room punching the air....that's Mum-Dance!”
Rachel, Local Mum
"I recommend Mum Dance to Local Mums. I had a two finger gap between my separated abdominal muscles after my last pregnancy and after one term of Mum-Dance this has almost disappeared! I’ve also noticed my stamina at the gym has really improved too!”
Georgina, Local Mum

Mum Dance
The 1980's Dance Class for Mum Bodies.
Mum-Dance, the 1980’s Dance Class for Mum Bodies, is the dance and exercise phenomena that's sweeping across the UK! At Mum-Dance there’s no hard work, just brilliantly fun and effective dance routines to all your best 1980’s songs.
Mum-Dance gives you noticeable results on your separated abs and pelvic floor function resulting in a flatter tummy with better muscle definition everywhere and you will also lose extra lbs. Mum-Dance does this with a combination of moving pilates, dance, aerobic workout and simple ballet all hidden away in 1980’s dance routines. Mum-Dance is a balanced low impact workout suitable for all women and all levels of fitness.
Be a part of the Mum-Dance Massive, the community of Mum-Dancers all doing iconic Mum-Dance routines after hours in your local school hall. You can come on your own or with a friend and do brilliantly fun and iconic routines such as Fame, Buffalo Stance, Flashdance, Wuthering Heights, Thriller, Xanadu and much more.
Come to Mum-Dance in your baggies and before you know it you'll be Mum-Dancing like Jane Fonda in your Workout Wear by Mum-Dance. Come to Mum-Dance and be in Kids from Fame all over again. Come to Mum-Dance and get YOU back!
Mum-Dance Putney runs at Ark Putney Academy on Tuesdays 7.30 – 8.30pm, starting Tuesday 26th February. Shop for your term's classes now at www.mum-dance.co.uk