Thursby Garden Services offers everything you need for your garden from a complete makeover to regular maintenance visits to keep your outdoor space looking its best

If you are looking for help with your garden, Thursby Garden Services is a great place to start. Established by David Acock, with qualifications and gardening experience spanning over 10 years, Thursby Garden Services offers a full gardening service, ranging from design and maintenance to turf laying and grass mowing.
David has a Bsc (hons) in Horticulture with Business Management and is also a qualified photographer with experience in the use of digital and film, having trained with the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew.
"My horticultural expertise, skill and knowledge will ensure you get the most out of Thursby Garden Services,” explains David, who has years of plant knowledge and planting schemes both for traditional and contemporary settings.
Full garden analysis
David can arrange a one-off makeover or regular visits, including care for interior houseplants and conservatories. He can also offer a full soil analysis test giving you an accurate indication of what type of soil you have; Thursby Garden Services will then be able to recommend the types of plants that are suitable for your garden and identify any problems with weeds and pest control.
"Understanding the soil type you have is critical before deciding what planting schemes to implement in your garden," explains David. “We offer a full diagnosis service which will give you a full report on your soil type including pH type, whether it is acidic or alkaline or made up of clay."
"We also have the expertise and scientific knowledge to provide you with a full and accurate identification of the many pest, disease and weed problems many gardens face,” adds David. "Step by step, a full diagnosis will take place, obtaining background information on the host and disease and samples; examining them will give us a good idea of what control is necessary in dealing with the problem.”
So whether you are looking for a complete redesign of your garden or regular assistance to keep your garden in top condition, why not give David a call?
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David Acock
Thursby Garden Services
Tel: 07903 268004