If you are looking for ways to help prepare your child for the next chapter in their lives, Tutortastic is a great local place to start!

Highly recommended local tutors Tutortastic are running a series of two hour group sessions in our area this summer.
"Our group lessons are limited to 20 children and provide an exciting and high quality way of learning,” says Tutortastic Managing Director Lucy Barnes.
Key Stage 1 workshops
"Our Key Stage One workshops encourage a love for learning from an early age,” explains Lucy. "We present Maths and English in a fun and exciting way, hands on and memorable for your child. If your child is currently just about to move into Year 1 or Year 2, this workshop is great for building their skills and confidence and also ensuring that they've retained some learning from school, during the holiday period. Our 7+ and KS1 SATs workshop introduces the examinations by means of a fun activity, encouraging them to calculate puzzles, read thoughtfully and write creatively.”
Key Stage 2 workshops
This workshop is perfect for both children beginning their journey into finding their new grammar/secondary school and children who are currently transitioning into Secondary Education.
"We are focussing on English and Maths and will be introducing creative ways to get your child reading and writing effectively,” explains Lucy. "Our Maths workshops focus on all key areas of the Mathematics curriculum in KS3 and 4, including, number, shape and space and data. Our 11+, SATs and examination workshop provides insight into Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning, comprehension and mental maths. Children will also take home an activity booklet with past papers and worksheets to try at home."
Instrumental workshops
This is an ideal opportunity to meet Tutortastic's highly trained and professional music tutors who will introduce your child to a range of instruments that they teach at Tutortastic. Your child will get to try our lessons in piano, violin and vocal coaching as well as written music theory. It's a great chance for any parent who is considering music lessons for their child to see if they enjoy learning about the instrument.
"We offer instrumental tuition at any level, so if you are looking for a new music tutor or to find out about our group sessions, please come along,” explains Lucy. "Children who have instruments are welcome to bring them along to the workshop."
Tutortastic are also giving a £20 home tuition voucher to use towards their first Tutortastic private lesson in any subject, even ones they haven't covered in their workshops. "This is a great opportunity to meet some of our excellent tutors and for your children to try out learning through Tutortastic with their friends,” says Lucy.
So if you would like to give your child the chance to try Tutortastic this Summer, why not give Lucy a call?
Read Local Mums’ reviews of Tutortastic
Lucy Barnes
Tel: 07973 922308