Au Pairs are a great, affordable form of childcare if you have a spare room. A good agency is essential in finding an Au Pair; here are Local Mums’ recommendations.
“We were very impressed with Nicole Kirk from Find An Au Pair’s commitment and dedication to quality childcare. We would definitely recommend her to all Carshalton Mums.”
Seresinhe Family, Carshalton
“Nicole from Find An Au Pair fabulously managed a branch of my company, interviewed the first Durban girl ever to Au Pair in America, cared for and believed in the Au Pair programme and the applicants. Nicole has a true sense of being in all three roles, Au Pair, agent and host mother. Trustworthy, open and honest and helpful, she ensures the success of the programme.”
Bianca Huijs, Managing Director, Bianca's Au Pairs

Find an Au Pair provides families with affordable childcare through cultural exchange. I am passionate about the business, having been an Au Pair, agent and now host mum to Au Pairs. I work with partner agents in Europe who interview Au Pairs with childcare experience. Both short and long term applicants are available.
The Au Pairs produce a profile to prospective families. From the family’s point of view, I discuss the families requirements and help put together a profile of themselves, we then look at possible matches. Going through an agency, both you and your Au Pair receive support throughout the year. Your Au Pair will also get to meet a network of Au Pairs. Having an Au Pair will not only be an affordable solution, it will also leave you with peace of mind that your children are cared for in your own home.
For more information, contact:
Nicole Kirk
Find an Au Pair
Tel : 07821 080 884