StudyBox is a small team of local tutors aiming to take your child to the next level whatever their ability

StudyBox is an after school tuition programme for students of all ages and abilities designed to build children's skills and confidence.
"At StudyBox we believe that supporting, motivating and challenging students helps them to overcome academic fears,” explains manager Lyndsay. "Our goal is to create a supportive space where students feel confident to learn and succeed."
"StudyBox was created by an expert team of tutors with a commitment to provide exceptional value tuition,” adds Lyndsay.
Students at StudyBox are taught based on the new national curriculum using a balance of written and digital learning materials. Subjects include SATs preparation for Yr2 and Yr6; 11+ exam prep including the common entrance tests and GCSE exam preparation for Yr10 and Yr11. One to one and small group tuition available.
Read Local Mums’ reviews of StudyBox.
Lyndsay West
Local Tuition Experts
Tel: 07805325274
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