Local Mums recommend the best online tuition services in our area

"I highly recommend Dorkaid to all Local Mums. All the help the tutor gave me, especially the past paper practices we did, made a real impact on my results. I went from a predicted B and C grades to A and A*s in Humanities, and I doubt it would have happened without their help. The tutor also really helped me with Sciences, where I got A*s except for the A in Physics.”
Thomas, 16 year old student
"I recommend Dorkaid to Local Mums. I was very relieved when I came across Dorkaid. Their revolutionary approach to tutoring really gave my son Ben the confidence boost he needed to sit his GCSE Sciences. Who knows what the outcome will be, I'll guess we’ll find out come results day, but one thing is for certain we have given him all we can to help him achieve his potential.”
Sandie, Local Mum

Dorkaid is a student-run initiative. Our online tutoring service offers younger students the chance to work with the Uk's top university students as tutors. The company was set up two years ago by a group of university under graduates. we offer a unique type of service to students aged 11-18 where they will have access to undergraduate students who are currently studying at one of the UK's top 5 universities.
Our university student tutors will not only act as a tutor but a mentor to the younger students, offering ongoing exam support and key revision techniques. we feel our own revolutionary approach to tutoring will appeal to parents and students alike. All Dorkaid sessions take place over Skype, which is much less intrusive. We also offer a competitive rate of £19.50 per hour which is much less than your generic tutor!
Franky Law
Tel: 01932 588 753
Email: franky.law@dorkaid.co.uk