Local Mums recommend the best language clubs in our area

“I highly recommend El Club Espanol to Local Mums. My son loves going every week and has learned so much Spanish!”
Anna, Local Mum

El Club Espanol
A Spanish Club for children in Years 1 to 3 is starting now at The Banstead Centre (The Horseshoe, off Bolters Lane) and your child can join as soon as you want!
It will take place on Fridays after school until March 24th. If you would like to have more information and book your child’s place, please contact Carlos Garcia at: carlosg.lcfclubs@gmail.com - 07514 973301
We offer a unique and proven teaching method for children, with Spanish being taught in small groups using songs, games, story-telling, role play and activity sheets.
Check out our fun interactive games area on the website www.lcfclubs.com/babelzonenew
If you would like to have more information and book your child’s place, please contact:
Carlos Garcia
Tel: 07514 973301
Email: carlosg.lcfclubs@gmail.com