Local Mums recommend the best pre and post-natal dance classes in our area

Baby Rumba
Let's Dance dance mammas!
Baby Rumba, 45 minute pre and post natal dance class.
Bond with your baby, have fun and feel the physical and mental benefits of dance and movement.

Whether your baby is in siesta or fiesta mode, or in the womb or the room, all is good! Got two left feet? No problem! Baby Rumba welcomes you with open arms.
Baby Rumba is the only dance class that will see you through from bump to bouncing baby. It's carefully designed - with easy to follow steps - by contemporary dancer, yoga teacher and mum, Jackie Tamayo.
WHERE? Lancaster Hall, St Mary’s Church, Putney High Street, London, SW15 1SN
WHEN? Every Monday 10 am
Special offer for Local Mums
First class is free!
Cash and cards accepted, no booking needed.
Jackie Tamayo
Baby Rumba
Tel: 07561208278
Email: babyrumbadance@gmail.com
Baby Rumba on Facebook