Local Mums recommend the best pre-school activities in our area

"I highly recommend Bumble Bees to Local Mums. My son loves the sessions as they are fun and he is learning though play.”
Sarah, Local Mum

Bumble Bees
Bumble-Bees is an exciting session for pre-schoolers and their parents or carers; an opportunity to give your child a gentle introduction to education through play-based activities. The 45 minute sessions aim to promote and encourage language skills. They are structured around phonics, story-telling, music and movement, with songs and activities that engage and stimulate children. Throughout the class, guidance and tips are given to parents on how to support their child’s language skills.
Mondays during term time, 2.15 – 3.00pm, 3.15 – 4.00pm, commencing Monday 11th April
Glyn Hall, Ewell Village (opposite Sainsburys Local)
£84 for the Summer term (13 weeks)
Natasha Wilson
Bumble Bees
Tel: 07557668983
Email: info@study-bees.co.uk
Bumble Bees on Facebook