The benefits of sign-language for babies and parents are well-established, from knowing what your baby is thinking to what your baby needs. Here Local Mums recommend the best classes in our area.

“I highly recommend Sing and Sign to all Local Mums. I wasn't really sure what to expect when I first started this class with my son but Alex (the Local Mum who runs it) was so welcoming and friendly and makes the songs so much fun that we loved it! It truly is one of the highlights of our week and now that my son (12 months) has started using some signs after only a few weeks, I am even more thrilled! I am signing up for our second term with Alex."
Abi, Local Mum
“I recommend Sing and Sign to all Local Mums. We've been going to Sing and Sign since my daughter was nine months old; she's 15 months now and has picked up several signs (which she suddenly started using) and has continued to do so for about six weeks now. She loves the fact that we understand what she's saying. My husband was quite cynical about me taking her to start with but even he's been really impressed! My daughter really loves the class, the songs, Jessie the Cat, musical instruments etc. Alex creates a lovely friendly group and the mums all appreciate the tea and biscuits and chat at the end. We will be coming back for stage two next term!"
Janet, Local Mum

Sing and Sign
Sing and Sign is the award-winning baby and toddler group that combines singing and baby signing to promote amazingly early communication.
Classes are really great fun and extremely relaxed. You only need to learn a few signs to make a significant difference in your child's ability to communicate. You can lessen frustration, enrich language learning and encourage speech development. As well as many familiar and original songs, puppets, props and pictures are used to inspire your baby's interest and illustrate the signs.
Sing and Sign is aimed at babies from six months to toddlers at two years old and each session includes 40 minutes of singing and signing and ample social time afterwards for tea/coffee (and biscuits) while your baby plays and makes friends!
The Speech and Language Therapist for Sure Start says, “Sing and Sign is a brilliant programme, helping to enable babies to express themselves earlier.”
Alex Ashison
Tel: 07932 443 809
Sing and Sign
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