Ante-natal and post-natal classes
Local Mums recommend the best ante-natal and post-natal classes in our area
"I highly recommend Our …
Wearing your baby
We are so used to seeing buggies on the streets that it’s hard to imagine a time when there was another …
All about slings
Emily Williamson from South London Sling Library explains why carrying your baby in a sling is so important …
Baby massage
Local Mum and holistic therapist Evi Achillea explains the many benefits of baby massage

The most precious …
Breastfeeding help
Breastfeeding help online:
Information provided by the National Childbirth Trust:
Breastfeeding …
Exercises for new mums
When is it safe to start exercising after having a baby? What sort of exercises are best and how do …
Losing the Mummy Tummy
Our mummy tummies should be worn with pride, they mark us out as mummies! But there comes a point after …
The Post-Natal Diet
Nutritional Therapist, Rachel Dowler discusses the importance of a healthy post-natal diet.
It is extremely …
My Home Birth Story
Local Mum Suzy Doyle describes the birth of her daughter Sophie, at home in Sutton.
I gave birth to …
The ultimate post-natal retreat
It’s hard to imagine a more wonderful way to get to know your newborn than relaxing together at the …
My baby's allergies
Sutton Mum Renee Davis explains how her baby daughter was diagnosed with food intolerances
Dairy: My …
Ante-Natal Fitness tips
Local Mums Online's fitness editor Maria Holley gives her expert advice how to exercise when you are …
Postnatal depression and homeopathy
Local Mum and holistic therapist Seren Al Bakar discusses the benefits of homeopathy for postnatal mums