We’re lucky to have some great Storytellers reading stories for us! Enjoy this lovely variety of stories with your children…

We publish our Storytimes on our Local Mums Online Facebook page. If you miss them, we have uploaded them all online below too…
Scroll down for Beatrix Potter storytimes and Raggedy Ann storytimes.
1) Granny Cornwall’s Storytime
Below Granny Cornwall reads the much loved classic Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. Granny Cornwall has serialised the book into short videos, perfect for bedtime or homeschooling topics!
Scroll down for more Granny Cornwall videos where she reads another classic, Raggedy Ann.
During lockdown Granny Cornwall was missing her grandchildren coming to stay with her so recorded these stories for any local children missing their grandparents to read them a story. Find out more about Granny Cornwall here
Wind in the Willows Chapter 1, part 1
Wind in the Willows Chapter 1, part 2
Wind in the Willows Chapter 2, part 1
Wind in the Willows Chapter 2, part 2
Wind in the Willows Chapter 3, part 1
Wind in the Willows Chapter 3, part 2
Wind in the Willows, Chapter 4 part 1
Wind in the Willows, Chapter 4 part 2
Wind in the Willows, Mr Toad, part 1
ind in the Willows, Mr Toad, part 2
2) Local Mum, art teacher and children’s author Helena Vaughan reads her book Duck’s Lucky Day. Catch up with Helena’s blog Art Mum
3) Farmer Becky reads children’s classics from Cuckoo Down Farm. Did you know that you can stay at Cuckoo Down Farm yurts and Becky gives Local Mums a 15% Local Mums Discount?
Jemima Puddleduck:
Peter Rabbit:
4) Granny Cornwall reads the Raggedy Ann stories: