Local Mums recommend the best beauty consultants in our area

"I highly recommend Wofai Nnannah from Mary Kay to Local Mums. Her beautiful products are very good quality and very affordable as well.”
Theresa Wood, Local Mum

Wofai Nnannah
Independent Beauty Consultant, Mary Kay
How I bring beauty to you...
Please contact me to learn about my great personal service. As my customer you can create your ideal beauty experience. I offer a personalized service that fits you. Just tell me if you would like a one-to-one consultation, a party with friends, a virtual party, makeup tips, skin care advice or free samples. You can always try before you buy.
If you prefer to shop online only or order by phone or email, the choice is yours. I'd love to help you with any or all of your beauty needs. Let's talk...

I also do pamper parties.
Wofai Nnannah
Independent Beauty Consultant, Mary Kay
Tel: 07428116135
Email: wofainnannah@yahoo.com