Local Mums recommend the best gymnastics clubs in our area

"I highly recommend TJ’s Gymnastics Club to Local Mums. My daughter really loves coming to gymnastics. She may not be the best gymnast but it’s done wonders for her confidence. I’m so glad we tried it. I was worried how she’d manage with a drop off class but the teachers are wonderful and patient with her.”
Kate, Local Mum
"I recommend TJ’s Gymnastics Club to Local Mums. Both of my children have attended TJ’s gymnastics club and we have recommended their classes to many of our friends. The wonderful coaches have not only taught my children gymnastics but also self-belief and self-control. I am constantly amazed by the skills that they have learned and then apply in their play.”
Sarah, Local Mum
"I highly recommend TJ’s Gymnastics Club to Local Mums. The coaches are amazing. I cannot thank them enough for the fun they have provided my daughter every Wednesday. She absolutely loves coming to and no matter what the weather or her mood I say TJ’s and she lights up. The staff are all incredible. They are so kind, gentle and have eyes at the back of their heads. They follow every child and always coach them to try again if they don’t get it right. I also love the space they have and enjoy peeking through the door.”
Anna, Local Mum

TJ’s Gymnastics Club
Our classes offer clearly structured programmes for the children, concentrating on the development of basic gymnastic skills, co-ordination, spatial awareness and mobility, as well as providing a stimulating environment for increasing social skills. In the Toddler Gym the parents/guardians participate and take an active role in the class. but in the Mini Gym and the Gymnastics classes we ask the parents/guardians not to stay.

In the Mini-Gym and Toddler Gym classes we use music, climbing, rolling, slides, jumping and soft play equipment and include activities from our own badge scheme. Children in the Gymnastics classes are taught the basics of gymnastics; handstands, cartwheels, jumping, rolling and balancing and are also developing their strength, flexibility and general physical condition. We recognise that gymnastics is an excellent grounding for all sports.

For safety reasons numbers are strictly limited and assistant coaches provided where necessary. All classes are coached by enthusiastic individuals who have a love of both gymnastics and children. TJ’s is registered with British Gymnastics and London Gymnastics.

Gill Holland
TJ’s Gymnastics Club
Tel: 01252 702295 or 07885 103080
Email: hollandgillian66@yahoo.co.uk