Local Mums recommend the best free parenting courses in our area

"I highly recommend the Building Relationships for Stronger Families programme to Local Mums. We felt our relationship wasn't strong and wanted to improve it so we could be better parents to our two small children ... I would definitely recommend the programme to a friend looking to improve their relationships and parenting.”
Local group participant
"I recommend the Building Relationships for Stronger Families to Local Mums. It helped me discuss and work on improving my relationship with my kids.”
Local group participant
Hear more feedback from local parents here

Building Relationships for Stronger Families
The programme offers parents support to suit their circumstances to address conflict within their relationship as well as strengthening your parenting skills to bring up your children.
Support takes the form of one to one or group sessions delivered by experienced facilitators who are skilled in encouraging discussion around the modern struggles that parents and couples face.
During the programme, you will work on your relationship, whether you are together or separate, and find ways to manage stresses and disagreements, exploring patterns of behaviour and tools and techniques to improve your parenting skills and help your family succeed.
You can read a blog from Honor Rhodes on why this work is so important here.
Who can attend?
Courses are free and, where possible, support will be offered in your home or in your local community. Programmes are open to all eligible parents, mothers and fathers, same-sex parents are there are tailored opportunities for couples who are together in a relationship or those who are separated.
This is a DWP funded programme.
This service is only on offer to residents and those who access services in the following London boroughs: Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea, Camden, Hammersmith & Fulham, Croydon, Brent and Lambeth. It is also offered in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Southend CC and Peterborough CC
Building Relationships for Stronger Families
Tel: 020 7380 1960
Email: referralsbrsf@tavistockrelationships.org