Mothers at Home Matter is a voice for mums wanting the choice to be based at home to care for their kids

Established 30 years ago in the face of increasing pressure for mothers to return to work before either they or their children were ready Mothers at Home Matter aims remain the same today:

Being a stay at home mother is not properly valued in today’s society
One freedom the average mother no longer has is to choose to be at home to care for her children. Successive government policies have stacked the economic system against staying at home while a political and social elite have devalued the role and importance of care in the home.
Yet the reasons for making this choice – care of our children, our community, our elderly have not gone away. Rather the reverse. There is a critical need for ‘care’ as we see rises in loneliness, depression and mental illness…
“Mothers at Home Matter is such an important campaign for choice for mothers who want to look after their own children,” said Kathy McGuinness, founder of Local Mums Online. “So many mothers feel isolated and ignored by policy makers; this supportive network gives them a much needed voice.”

Join Mothers at Home Matter
Membership of Mothers at Home Matter is £12.50 for the year.
Support for mothers
While campaigning for better economic support and government recognition of the important work mothers do, Mothers at Home Matter aims to support mothers practically as they navigate the challenges of raising their children.
Local support groups (no need to be a member to join)

Feeling isolated? Unsupported? Or just in need of a chat or friendship or laughter?
Connect with others who share similar values about the importance of motherhood.
Each local group is an independent entity under the umbrella of Mothers at Home Matter. Some groups are meeting in person with their children, others online, some for evening drinks – the local groups respond to the needs and desires of its members.
Find your nearest local group contact here
(If there is no group local and you are interested in starting a group please email Becca
It doesn’t matter if you have never done anything like this before, we will support you.
Contact and find out more:
Mothers at Home Matter
To become a member:
Twitter: @mumsdadsmatter