When you are a busy mum, finding time to get to a salon for beauty treatments and much-needed pampering can be tricky. Local Mum Jodie Wood has found the perfect solution.

After the birth of her second baby, Jodie (founder of Lifted Spirit Pamper Parties and Beauty Therapy) realised how difficult it can be for mums to get the pampering they need.
"I've been a trained beauty therapist for nine years," says Jodie, mum of Lucy, 16, and Mason, 4. "But it wasn't until I had my son that I realised how dificult it is for mums to access beauty treatments."
Mums need pampering
Ironically, if anyone needs to be pampered it's a mum. We spend so much time mopping up after other people and attending to the needs of others that we often neglect to look after ourselves.
"All mums deserve to feel pampered," agrees Jodie, who is also trained in aromatherapy massage and stress management. "With the amount of stress we have to put up with on a daily basis we should all have the right to some proper relaxation time!"
However, getting pampered isn't always easy or straight forward. "Mums often worry about leaving their babies and children and finding a babysitter," explains Jodie. "Even the thought of getting to the venue and finding a parking spot can be stressful."
Isolated and lonely
Jodie also realised that mums often feel isolated and lonely once they have children, especially if they are cutting back on work and missing their old social lives. "Getting together for a pampering session with their girlfriends is a great way to lift everyones' spirits" says Jodie.
After spending time with new mums, Jodie had the idea to offer a beauty and therapy service in the comfort of mums' own homes.
"Our pamper parties are really popular with mums," says Jodie. "It's a great way to socialise in a fun and relaxed way, which is so important when you've got kids."
"Mums love being able to relax in their own environment, rather than feeling awkward in a salon," adds Jodie. "It's great to be able to stay in your dressing gown after a treatment and not have to drive home."
Special delivery
The idea to set up Lifted Spirit came to Jodie after the birth of her son when she was asked to do a pamper party by her midwife.
"I was asked by my lovely midwife to do a few treatments for the New Mums group at my local Sure Start centre," explains Jodie. "I still do pamper parties for some of those first-time mums four years later!"
Lots of Jodie's clients have been friends since they met at NCT or ante-natal groups. They all meet up regularly and ask Jodie or one of her therapists to come and give pampering treatments while the children play.
Growing business
Jodie now gets requests for everything from children's and teenagers' pamper parties to hen dos and baby showers.
"I have watched the babies grow to toddlers and then start school and seen clients get married," says Jodie. "I absolutely love my job!"
"As mums we should not see having beauty treatments as a luxury," adds Jodie. "With the amount of stress we deal with it should be regarded as a necessity! Nothing is more de-stressing than a massage and a glass of wine in good company with your girlfriends."
Sounds good to us! If you would like to have a lovely Local Mum come and help you unwind with friends, why not give Jodie call?
Read Local Mums reviews of Lifted Spirit
For more information, or to book a pamper party or treatment, contact Jodie on:
Tel: 0208 9429051
Email: info@liftedspirit.co.uk
Facebook: www.facebook.com/liftedspiritPamperparties