Local Mums recommend the best adctivites for toddlers and babies in our area

"I highly recommend Toddler Sense to all Local Mums. We love toddler the classes! I took my oldest daughter when she was little and had to bring her sister back...she loved Baby Sensory and she loves Toddler Sense even more! Tallie will talk about, as she calls it 'how do you do' from the minute she gets home to the minute she gets back there the following week. It gives her a chance so socialise with other children the same age as her and she loves the singing, the dancing and all the games. She also enjoys the fact that there is regularity each week, as well as variety - it's taught her so much already! Suzie is great and makes everyone feel very welcome, it was a no brainier to sign up for another term!”
Georgiee Rodriques, Local Mum
"I recommend Toddler Sense to Local Mums. As a mum of two having the toddler sense class once a week is great, valuable one-on-one time I can have with my son. Precious time that at home is usually divided between my little girl too which is why I also do Baby Sensory with my daughter as that too is precious one on one time with her. Toddler Sense encourages and teaches my son fantastic concentration and listening skills in a fun playful way. the session includes time for tidy up which my son really gets involved in. The independence of getting your own toys specific to each each activity and being able to put them away once finished means my son is usually one of the first up there to get his toys and put them away. When I first went on maternity and signed up to Baby Sensory with my daughter to then find out that Suzie would be starting Toddler Sense I couldnt miss the opportunity to sign up. Definitely no regrets and I have just signed up for a second term!”
Jade O’Halloran, Local Mum
"I highly recommend Toddler Sense to Local Mums. We love Toddler Sense! Gryff attended Baby Sensory throughout my maternity leave and when we heard Toddler Sense was starting we jumped at the chance to find out more. We haven't been disappointed. Gryff (and I) love it! The different themes each week capture their imaginations. It's the perfect mix of burning off energy in the soft play area, and more focused activities like singing and team work together on the mat. Suzie and Tom are brilliant, as proven by their ability to keep a large group of toddlers captivated throughout an hour long class! Can't wait for next term.”
Claire Purkiss, Local Mum
"I recommend Toddler Sense to Local Mums. My son and I had attended Baby Sensory classes from when he was six months old and throughly enjoyed the planned classes that stimulated every sense. We were really excited when Suzie and Tom decided to do Toddler Sense as well! My mum takes him every Wednesday in Carshalton and he absolutely lovesevery moment of it! It's a fun filled hour of fun in which you get to meet other parents/grandparents too. Every week there is something different and you see your little one develop different skills and enjoyment from all different aspects of the Toddler Sense environment.”
Lauren Duncan, Local Mum

Baby Sensory and Toddler Sense
Baby Sensory classes have been devised by Dr Lin Day to help with all aspects of your little ones' development. They are suitable for babies from birth all the way to after their first birthdays. Our carefully researched activities are designed to stimulate all of the senses including touch, hearing, smell and sight.
We also include exercise activities, music and instruments, light shows, massage, bonding, baby signing and even baby mathematics! Each sessions' activities are different from week to week. However the classes always last one hour and include three sections, two sensory activity sections and an exploratory play session in the middle.
Toddler Sense introduces a whole new world of adventure for toddlers and children up to the age of four years. Great music, great equipment and great new ideas – our activities are designed to keep toddlers and children busy, active, and stimulated! Imagine climbing a snow mountain, going on safari, digging for fossils, swimming with dolphins and hunting for dinosaurs? Every week introduces fresh new ideas and action packed adventure.
The main emphasis is on mobility, excitement and of course fun! It is a fast-moving, action-packed programme. Toddler Sense is very different to Baby Sensory, but equally addictive.
The age range is from 13 months to four years and is split into two groups; 13 - 24 months and 2 - 4 years. We offer mixed classes for 13 months to 4 years, which are suitable for siblings, and we also offer a sibling discount.
Parties are also available for children up to five years old
Suzie Franck
Baby Sensory Sutton and Toddler Sense Sutton
Tel: 07957 226560
Email: Sutton@babysensory.co.uk / sutton@toddlersense.co.uk