Worried about schools admissions? Start here with a list of all the schools in our area, OFSTED reports and contacts for each school.
Finding a good school is top of most parents’ lists of priorities when moving to a new area. Here we list all the schools in Cheam, with OFSTED reports and contacts to help you choose.
State Primary Schools
Brookfield Primary
Address: Ridge Road, North Cheam, Surrey, SM3 9LY
Tel: 020 8644 8616
Email: brookfieldprimary@suttonlea.org
Status: Community
Cheam Common Infants'
Address: Balmoral Road, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 8SS
Tel: 020 8337 4152
Email: cheamcommoninfants@suttonlea.org
Status: Community
Cheam Common Junior
Address: Kingsmead Avenue, Worcester Park, Surrey, KT4 8TU
Tel: 020 8337 1844
Cheam Common Junior
Status: Community
Cheam Fields Primary
Address: Stoughton Avenue, Cheam, Surrey, SM3 8PW
Tel: 020 8644 9055
Email: cheamfieldsprimary@suttonlea.org
Status: Community
Cheam Park Farm Infants'
Address: Molesey Drive, North Cheam, Surrey, SM3 9UU
Tel: 020 8644 7415
Cheam Park Farm Infants
Email: cheamparkfarminfants@suttonlea.org
Status: Community
Cheam Park Farm Junior
Head Teacher: Phillip Hedger
Address: Kingston Avenue, North Cheam, Surrey, SM3 9UE
Tel: 020 8644 8969
Email: cheamparkfarmjunior@suttonlea.org
Status: Foundation
St. Cecilia's RC Primary
Address: London Road, North Cheam, Surrey, SM3 9DL
Tel: 020 8337 4566
Email: stceciliasprimary@suttonlea.org
Status: Voluntary Aided
St. Dunstan's C of E Primary
Address: Anne Boleyn's Walk, Cheam, Surrey, SM3 8DF
Tel: 020 8642 5463
Email: stdunstans@suttonlea.org
Status: Voluntary Aided