Nutritionist and mindset coach, our Nutrition Editor Local Mum Angelika Cutuk-Short blogs for us on everything to do with nutrition and wellbeing

Why eating good pays off… Plus a homemade granola recipe

Ok, I get it. It can be hard to make food from scratch. You’re busy with work, family, house chores, social things. The list goes on… But where do you think you get the energy to do all that on your list? Where do you get that mental sharpness from?
Food – my friends.
The food we eat turns into energy – pure biology and there is no way of avoiding it. Plus, all vitamins our bodies need such as vitamin C for immunity, B vitamins to combat stress, selenium and iodine for thyroid and many others, all come from food.
Except of course, if you are taking good food supplements. Even then food should be the first choice and supplements second.
Hippocrates father of medicine said it over 2000 years ago 'Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food' and used to emphasize the importance of nutrition to prevent or cure disease.
But somehow, we forgot about this. We forgot that food can cure us.
So why don’t we invest a bit more time and energy into the food we eat?
“Too busy” is the obvious answer Right? But most of the time this is only an excuse. You know that - I know that. So, a good start to eating better is just cut the b*s* and that personal bias that we eat well and admit that we just don’t eat that well.
Admitting to ourselves we are not eating as well as we could is a BIG thing. And the first BIG step into transformation. And honestly, with some help, this can easily be done.
A lot of us buy processed convenience meals, we order takeaways once, twice maybe three times a week (Deliveroo & Just Eat are doing amazing – good for them). But heart aching for me as a nutritionist!
We don’t know (or don’t wanna know) about food preservatives and how come our cereals have an expiry date of two years plus. Is that natural?
Yet those preservatives (E numbers) can trigger asthma, cause hyperactive behaviour with young children and some are found to be cancer-causing.
On the other hand, steroids in our meat and milk will over time interrupt our bodies hormones and make things grow faster like boobs in very young girls.
This article is not meant to freak you out. Eating healthier is not that difficult. What eating healthier is, is small changes over time. That’s the key.
So yes, making things from scratch does require a little bit of your time and effort but you know exactly what you and your family are eating. It’s so worth it.
And for a lot of people (me included), this is so satisfying and reassuring thought – wouldn’t you agree?
Below I have put my family granola recipe together for you- it’s DELICIOUS (even my hubby loves it and he’s not into sweet breakfast). Make it and enjoy it.
Family granola recipe
Ingredients (I usually double all the ingredients)
• 3 cup of rolled oats (gluten-free)
• 1 cup of unsweetened shredded coconut
• 6 tbs melted peanut butter or almond butter or any other nut butter of choice or coconut oil
• 1 tsp real vanilla essence
• 1 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
• 1 tsp pink Himalayan salt (or real sea salt)
• 1/3 cup of slivered (or other) almonds
• 1/3 cup of pecans nuts
• 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds
• 1/2 cup of maple syrup or honey
• 1/3 cup of goji berries (soaked in water for 5 minutes so they're not too dry)
• 1/3 cup of raisins (or chopped apricots or cranberries)
• 1/3 cup of ground flax seeds
• 1/3 cup of chia seeds
Please note: omit items that you don’t have or you are not a big fan of
1. Preheat oven to 150 C/300F/Gas Mark 2 and line a baking sheet with baking paper.
2. Combine the first 10 ingredients in a big bowl and spread the mixture onto the baking sheet.
3. Bake in the oven for approximately 20 minutes, check and stir once or twice making sure it doesn't burn. After 20 min mix in goji berries and raisins and bake for another 15-20 minutes. You want to toast it until granola is just golden brown.
4. Take out of the oven and allow to cool. Once cooled, add the chia seeds and flaxseed and mix ( you don’t want to cook those as delicate healthy oils inside). Put in an air-tight container.
5. Enjoy with a milk or milk alternative of your choice. Almond milk goes brilliantly.
• I like to use Ceylon cinnamon as the other, more common, Cassia cinnamon contains a liver toxin that you don't want to be consuming on a regular basis.
• Always purchase your flax unground and grind at home in an inexpensive spice grinder. This prevents the delicate oils from going rancid, but note: your flax must be ground to reap the benefits!
• You can use whatever nuts and seeds you like in this granola, so don't panic if you don't have all the ones I've listed above. These are just the ones I typically like to use.
• Store in a glass airtight container for up to a month. Enjoy!
Angelika xx
Don’t forget I offer Local Mums members 10% discount on Nutritional Consultations. Check out our Local Mums Discount page for my and other great local discounts!
Angelika Cutuk-Short
Nutrition Coach
mobile: 07899948682
How is stress affecting your weight?

As much as you would like to just snap your fingers and relax after a stressful day, your body sometimes has trouble letting go. Somehow, it hangs on to your most frustrating moments and replays them in your head.
Something I found quite eye-opening when I got into the functional medicine space was the damage that stress, and what I call "swirls", have on gut health and our weight. Swirls = ruminating over something, be it an argument with someone or the current state of the world, etc.
But just to say it is not just gut health that suffers. Constantly being on guard and unable to unwind will increase weight around the middle because stress elevates cortisol (stress hormone) which raises insulin which in turns stores excess calories around the middle.
It also damages your thyroid gland hormones which affect your metabolic rate – the speed you burn your food, not to mention impacting your immune system and cardiovascular health.
Now to be clear we all get stressed at some point and that’s ok. It’s life. And let’s face it - Life will never not be busy. It’s this chronic ongoing stress and inability to let go and be present (in the moment) that is a problem for many.
Ok. So, what to do?
There's a simple, free, but very powerful strategy I teach to every one of my clients that someone special taught me once - and it changed my life. What is it? No, I’m not sending you to a yoga retreat in India (which would be nice) but it is this simple deep breathing technique. I challenge you to stop what you're doing right now and take a moment in time to breathe as follows:
1. Breath in for 4 seconds (one Mississippi, two Mississippi…) through your nose
2. Hold your breath for 4
3. Breath out for 7 or 8 through your mouth (long breath out)
4. Repeat two more times…or as many times as you want to
You feel good, don't you? This is because deep breathing instantly turns on our parasympathetic nervous system ‘‘relax and digest’’ and gets us out of our sympathetic nervous system which is our ‘‘fight or flight’’ response we developed in the time of the sabre-tooth tiger and it’s still in use.
It is medically proven that a simple breathing technique (even for 20 seconds on a regular basis) will calm down your mind, give you the clarity and connection you seek and need. Plus improve your body biomarkers; reduce cortisol, blood pressure and insulin among many other things.
This simple, yet super easy and free technique has been such a helpful tool for so many of my busy with life clients.
Too often in this modern-day world, we are in a state of fight or flight - even when we don't realize it. And often we hold our breath or shallow breathe when in this state e.g., waiting at a red light, in a queue at the checkout, arguing, texting (yes most of us hold our breath while texting!) which puts extra pressure on your nervous system, hormones and your gut.
And this is not good news for your health.
So next time you're feeling, stressed while waiting at the checkout and thinking where you need to be next, I want you to catch yourself (by the way this is what it means to be "mindful") and realize the stress you're feeling. Accept it (don’t judge or suppress). And then mindfully shift your thoughts by using this simple 20-second breathing technique or any other technique you might have.
Have a good week.
Angelika xo
Angelika Cutuk-Short
Nutrition Coach
mobile: 07899948682
Constipation and digestion...
Yes, let’s talk about pooping for a minute. As this is nothing to be ashamed of – we all do it. It’s the most natural thing. But yet I see a lot of my clients still uncomfortable talking about it.
But please don’t be.
Bowel and poop habits can vary dramatically from person to person. Your bowels ideally should move one to three times per day and never less than once a day.
Your bowels move toxins out of your body. And if we want to lose and maintain our weight - being regular is key.
Note: Whenever a person’s bowel habits change significantly, they should visit their doctor for an evaluation.
If constipation is something you might be struggling with now, there are a few things below that you can do to get your bowels moving on a regular basis.
Constipated? 10 smooth tips to help you out
1. Dried prunes (4 x) in the morning or evening followed by a glass (250 ml) of water. Prunes gained their claim to fame for helping with regularity. That's because of their insoluble fibre and sorbitol (a natural laxative). As a bonus, prunes do a great job of lowering cholesterol levels.
2. Dried figs (3-4 x) in the morning or evening followed by a glass (250 ml) of water. TIP: soak 3-4 dried figs overnight in ½ a cup of water – eat the figs and drink the juice first thing in the morning. Figs possess similar effect to prunes. They nourish and tone the intestines and act as a natural laxative because of their high fibre content. Plus, they are packed with nutrients such as iron (among many other nutrients) to prevent anaemia.
3. Pineapple - like prunes and figs this fruit has a natural laxative that can help with regularity. It also has enzymes called bromelain which is especially helpful for breaking down protein. If you have a meat-heavy meal (BBQ, Indian etc.), pineapple is a fruit that you want to be eating.
4. Kefir – my personal favourite. This yoghurt-like drink is loaded with probiotics that your intestines will love. Research shows that when people were given kefir, they had an increase in faecal moisture. Extra wetness is super important and a much welcomed relief if constipation is an issue. Plus, the friendly bacteria (probiotics) in kefir help boost your immune system and keep you healthy.
If you haven’t tried kefir – please do. Nearly every bigger shop (M&S, Sainsbury and Asda) has it these days. Also, 1-4 foods are great snack options.
Tip: add 2 prunes and teaspoon of ground flaxseed into 125 ml (half glass) of Kefir is a great and healthy way to stay regular. This can be a healthy daily snack. It’s certainly mine.
5. Beans are a fantastic fibre-packed powerhouse to add to your diet if you need relief from constipation quickly. Beans offer 10 grams of fibre (or more!) per cup and are a great solution if you are looking to get things moving.
6. Drink water! This goes without saying – yet many of us don’t drink enough water. Think about this one.
Tip: Buy 6 x bottle pack of Evian (or non-plastic bottles) water and put it in every room in the house – office, sitting room, bedroom as well as your car and handbag. So, you can see it. When you see it - you’ll drink it! This is how our brain works…for most of us.
7. Slimatee tea – This is natural herbal and great tasting tea. It includes; senna leaf, peppermint leaves, hibiscus flowers and black and mate tea. It helps to regulate bowel movement (gently) as well as promoting wellbeing and weight loss when used alongside a healthy diet. You can get it in any Holland and Barret and other healthy food shops or online.
8. Get Moving! Make sure you get out of the house for a walk or brief jog (10-15 minutes) every day! Yes, you can do that – no excuses!
9. Olive oil - put 2-3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil into your evening smoothie or your evening meal (stew, veggies, etc). Olive oil is a humectant – it makes everything soft and smooth.
10. Seawater flush is a method which involves drinking water mixed with sea salt (kitchen salt that says - sea salt). To tolerate the taste, you can dilute two teaspoons of sea salt in 250ml of water to make it go down and then follow immediately with two more 250ml glasses of water. Do this first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and you will have several bowel movements with 30 minutes to an hour. If you have kidney issues or suffer high blood pressure avoid this method.
Hope this help and keeps you regular on a daily basis.
Stay well,
Angelika x
Angelika Cutuk-Short
Nutrition Coach
mobile: 07899948682
My On-the-GO Healthy Snacks Guide
This guide aims to help you make healthy choices when you’re flying out the door or you are just stuck in the house and want a quick fix. You can use this guide as a quick reference for healthy snacks. Feel free to add your favorite healthy snacks to the list.
Those of you who know me will know - I’m not a big fan of snacking. I am a BIG advocate for eating three proper meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Because you know what - if you have proper three meals you do not need to snack – as you won’t be hungry. Fact.
A lot of women these days have a small main meal only to have not-so nutritious snacks instead – which will subsequently cause weight problems. But that can be changed easily if you want to! But sometimes you need a little something and these ideas will get you from one meal to the next healthily.
1. Apple...still the best know the one ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’... this can be any other piece of fruit too.
2. An apple or pear with a tablespoon (tbsp) of nut butter (almond, cashew, peanut or other)
3. 2x squares of dark chocolate 70%+
4. No-Bake Peanut Butter Energy Balls recipe (click on the link to open)
5. 2 x Mayola dates and 3x walnut halves
6. 3-4 x dried apricots or other dry fruits (no more than a handful ~30 g of dry fruits a day is a rule of thumb)
7. 3-4 x dried prunes and 1⁄2 cup of kefir to prevent constipation (see last month’s blog below).
8. 1⁄2 cup of good full-fat yoghurt or Kefir (125 ml) with a handful (60-80g) of berries of your choice
9. Rice cake with nut butter -1 tbsp (almond, cashew, peanut or other)
10. Paleo Granola bar without grains recipe (50g serving)
11. Pre-made smoothies. I’m a big advocate for pre-making smoothie bags and storing them in your freezer. This way you have a healthy snack ready to go at a moment’s notice. And if you’re flying out the door you can whip one up and take it with you. Let me know if need a few good smoothie recipes?
12. 2 x slice of good quality Parma ham and 3 cherry tomatoes
13. 1 x slice of good ham and 1 x slice of cheese in a lettuce wrap (optional)
14. 1⁄2 cup natural cottage cheese and 2-inch sliced cucumber
15. Boiled egg (from my weekly meal planning session) – best snack!
16. Hard-boiled egg, a tablespoon of olive oil, salt, pepper or chili flakes
17. Hummus with veggie sticks (carrot, celery, cucumber, peppers etc.). Email me if need a great and easy hummus recipe to send over
18. Guacamole with veggie sticks (carrot, celery, cucumber, peppers) – email me If you would like a good guacamole recipe
19. 1 x Ryvita crispbread and 1/2 an avocado sprinkled in salt and pepper
20. Hummus (1 tbsp) and half avocado on a brown toast
21. Cashew cheese (lactose-free) - these cheeses can be absolutely delicious. Enjoy them with some veggie sticks
22. Turkey slices, turkey jerky, or turkey lunchmeat. These are great options as they’re packed with protein, which is what you need to focus on to keep you feeling fuller, longer. Ensure they are nitrate-free and preferably free range and organic where possible.
23. Turkey slice, 1⁄2 avocado lettuce roll-ups
24. 6 x black or green olives
25. Roasted chickpeas recipe (great party trick!)
26. Crispy Kale chips recipe (tastier than you might think)
27. Spicy seeds mix recipe ( + I add a teaspoon of cumin)
28. Two cups of air-popped salted popcorn
29. Can of sardines - yes fishy but so good for you! Did you know a can of sardines have more calcium for your bones then nearly any foods out there - serve with a healthy slice of bread and sliced tomato
30. Canned salmon - full of healthy omega 3’s, calcium (if you choose one with the bones), and protein. Try to ensure your salmon is wild, not farmed – served with a good slice of bread and sliced tomato
31. 4 x brazil nuts or 8 x walnut halves or 10 x almonds or 16 x pistachio (all nuts/handful a day ~30g serving size)
32. 30 g/ handful of seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame) – from the pack or roasted seeds are amazing snack and healthy addition to any meal
33. Nuts and seeds mix (30 g) - consider making a trail mix of nuts and seeds...also have this in your bag for when out & about. Suggestion: try half & half nuts/dry fruit trail mix
Ok, now you’ve seen them all! CAUTION: DO NOT get overwhelmed!
Challenge 4 You: Choose at least two snacks from the list above that resonate with you and try them out this week. Enjoy x
Download my guide here
Angelika Cutuk-Short
Nutrition Coach
mobile: 07899948682
My 7-Day Healthy Family Meal Plan

We are in the lockdown again. But the end is in sight. We shall prevail!
In the meantime, we ought to do our best to stay as healthy as possible for ourselves and our families.
I know a lot of us are worried about our job security, sickness in our family and others but what we eat is really important. The food we eat will affect our health, emotions, cravings and our decisions!
For example, eating too many biscuits will create that sugar high and make you feel good for 20 minutes or so. And then it will take you crashing down and feeling low… and you will want more of those biscuits. It’s a vicious cycle that a lot of us get caught up in.
Stats: 80% of how we feel and look is down to the food we eat. True story...
You’ll get vitamin C for your immune systems from food like oranges, lemons and broccoli too. All your Omega-3 for your brain to prevent bad mood and depression – you can get from fish, your salmon, maceral and others. Also, from nuts and seeds; walnuts and flaxseed in particular. Magnesium is important to calm the nerves (super helpful with homeschooling) and is found in spinach, wholemeal bread, nuts and dark chocolate.
Please note all those vitamins and minerals are not coming from air nor water – but from the food you eat.
We are what we eat. #Fact
Hopefully, my 7-Day Healthy Family Meal Plan (click to download) will help you with your food choice and give you some new recipes to make for the whole family… so you can get all those vitamins and minerals you need right now.
All the recipes are easy to do and take 30 min or less.
I know full well there are some fussy kids out there, but try and make the recipes and see what happens.
A lot of times we assume things like, oh my kids won’t eat that…but we don’t know unless we cook it…also kids' taste buds change fast!
My suggestion: choose recipes that you like, print it, put it on your shopping list, buy ingredients, make and enjoy. And know that you and the family are eating healthy.
With Love and Empowerment,
Click to download > 7-Day Healthy Family Meal Plan
Before you reach for another mince pie, read this

Ok, I won’t be giving you tips what to
do this Christmas – I just want to help you think a bit differently…because the secret to healthy eating habits really is in your mind.
But first let’s give you some Christmas stats… please don’t panic. There is a solution.
The average Brit will eat a whopping 6000 calories on Christmas Day - that's three times the recommended daily allowance for a woman.
The average person will gain 7 pounds over the festive period alone.
To burn off Christmas Day calories you would need:
· 21.5 hours of walking
· 13 hours on exercise bike
· 7.5 hours on the treadmill
One mince pie is around 200 calories (smaller one). We burn 100 calories per one mile of running. To put it in perspective it will take 30 minutes of running or 60 minutes of walking to burn off ONE mince pie!
Don’t shoot the messenger, please.
Ok. I can hear you screaming where are you going with this… we need to enjoy ourselves and have fun, especially this Christmas.
And 100% yes, we should ALL have fun and enjoy this Christmas…more than ever. Since this really was an Annus horribilis, aka all time crappy year!
But eating too much of the wrong foods and making ourselves fat really won’t help. It’ll just put us in a bad position health-wise and make us more miserable and potentially depressed in January.
So, to avoid gaining 7 pounds and
getting mildly depressed in January I would like to talk about 5 strategies I’d
encourage you to implement this holiday season when faced with all the treats.
1. Have a little pep talk with yourself before Christmas Dinner or any other celebration for that matter. Takeaways included. Ask yourself questions:
· How do I want to be this Christmas?
· How do I want to feel the day after the Christmas Day?
· Is that what I really want to eat?
· What can I have instead?
· What will this food do for me?
· Can I let this food pass?
2. Mindful eating (20/20 rule) - means making a conscious decision about what are you going to eat and giving your full attention to the eating process. Enjoy, savour and eat slowly every single mouthful. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full. Also, for a good digestion and staying mindful we are advised to chew each mouthful 20 times, hence the 20/20 rule.
3. Figure out what it is worth to you. Let me explain. It’s Christmas time and mince pies are never far away - every shop has them from about mid-November (probably even before) until some time in January.
They are super tasty but to me they are not worth it.
For me, Mince pies are not worth the inevitable sugar crash, the increase in hot flushes or the bloat. So, when I see them, it’s easy for me to pass.
4. Guilt and deprivation don’t have a place in a healthy lifestyle. So, when you do decide that you want to enjoy a treat, do so wholeheartedly. Savour it, and enjoy it. And get rid of any ideas of feeling like something is forbidden or off limits.
So, if you really want to have one or two mince pies this Christmas - do it. Enjoy them to the max. Have one or two mince pies - just not one every day of December as I did a few years back and put on 8 pounds.
Disclaimer: don’t start if you cannot stop yourself!
5. Visualize/Imagine yourself skipping that cookie tonight or other things you would like to avoid e.g., glass of wine. Once you visualize something in your head it’s actually much easier to do it in reality. I understand this might be a bit difficult concept to grasp right now, but trust me benefits of visualisation are huge.
6. It’s your choice, not a rule. We can (many have done it) choose to stay away from foods for a season or for life, but that is a choice, it’s not a rule. By acknowledging it is our choice we empower ourselves, rather than being slaves to something like willpower or motivation which, let’s face it, rarely work.
You've got a choice. You've got the power to do whatever you want.
I hope this helps.
I wish you and your family a Very Merry Christmas – Enjoy yourself and have fun this year… and try to do the best you can to stay on the healthier side (where possible).
5 ways to healthier takeaways

Takeaways are often cheap, convenient and satisfying but, unfortunately, they're not always very healthy. But that can be changed.
Some takeaway meals can push your recommended daily maximum amount of fat and salt over the edge, which can lead to a variety of health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.
Did you know, an average takeaway with starter, main and side will clock in around 1500 calories. That's with no drinks!
A dessert will on average add around another 500 calories. To burn 500 calories, it will take you 145 minutes walking or 52 minutes running. Don’t shoot the messenger!
Note if interested: some takeaways now list calories on their menus, which lets you opt for something with fewer calories. Below are some tips when ordering your favourite takeaway.
Let me share with you my 5 favourite things to pay attention to when ordering takeaways:
1. Check on the menu how the food has been prepared: steamed, boiled, grilled, roasted or poached is the way to go.
Stay away from foods that are described as; crispy, crunchy, fried, rich, creamy, breaded, battered, tempura. Those foods will usually contain more Omega 6 – pro-inflammatory oils – that make you ill and age your skin.
2. Go for tomato-based sauces over creamy or cheese-based ones. E.g., Spag Bolognese instead of Carbonara.
3. Chunky chips/fries are better than thin ones - because the thin ones soak up much more oil.
4. ‘No doubling on carbs’ rule – eating potatoes with rice or having garlic bread as a starter followed by pizza as a main is nutritionally wrong on so many levels! Simply too much carbs! Just think how your poor insulin is doing and how it’s going to shift all that excess carbs into your belly fat! Yup, that’s what is happening here.
5. Stop ordering those appetizers, you know: prawn crackers, Italian bread sticks and poppadums …these are just cheap thrills. And I can tell you here – you eat them out of habit only. And they all cost you around 200 calories with NO nutritional benefits whatsoever! Sorry not sorry.
Some examples of how to swap things around:
Fish and chips
· Try to avoid: thin-cut chips, fish cakes, pies and sausages. Don't eat all the batter around your fish because it soaks up a lot of fat. And definitely don’t eat scraps. Forget deep fried mars bars forever.
· Healthier options: fish coated in breadcrumbs, mushy peas, baked beans thicker-cut chips without salt. Vinegar or lemon on your fish and chips to help break down the fat.
· Try to avoid: large deep-pan pizzas, pizzas with the crust stuffed with cheese, triple cheese with pepperoni pizzas, creamy pasta sauces, garlic bread.
· Healthier options: small or medium pizza with a thin base and vegetable or lean meat topping such as vegetables, ham, chicken or tuna.
· Try to avoid: Anything that’s battered or marked as "crispy" on the menu means it’s deep fried; sweet and sour battered pork balls, special or egg fried rice, prawn toast, spring rolls.
· Healthier options: Steamed and stir-fry dishes are the best choice, crab and corn soup, steamed dumplings, stir-fry vegetables and plain boiled rice, Szechuan prawns.
· Try to avoid: fried rice, fishcakes, spring rolls, prawn crackers, and sweet and sour dishes.
· Healthier options: Try to stick to stir-fried dishes or steamed dishes containing chicken, fish or vegetables instead of curries, clear soups such as tom yum, papaya salads, stir-fried meat or fish or vegetable dishes, steamed fish or mussels.
· Try to avoid: any creamy curries such as korma, masala as well as naan breads, bhajis, pakoras and poppadom’s.
· Healthier options: tandoori or madras with chicken, prawns or vegetables, plain rice and chapatti.
Kebab and burgers
· Try to avoid: large doner kebab with mayonnaise and no salad, burgers with cheese and mayonnaise, thin-cut chips, chicken or fish patties deep fried in batter.
· Healthier options: shish kebab with pitta bread and salad, grilled burgers made from lean meat (beef or whole chicken breast) and without cheese and mayonnaise.
A final word of nutrition wisdom: Easy as it is to ring Deliveroo, Just Eat etc…Having a takeaway once a week is not too bad, but ordering it five times a week is bad and will definitely help you pile on the pounds and expand your waistline.
Enjoy making healthier choices. You are the boss of your health.
I don’t have time to cook, because …

You are super busy. I totally get it.
Taking kids to school (thank God they are still going), talking to relatives and friends on WhatsApp, finishing that important project, preparing a Zoom presentation and the list goes on…
And Covid-19 pandemic doesn’t really slow us down. Does it?
So obviously, the last thing you want to do after a busy day is to whip up that family meal at 6 pm.
Back in the day when I was perpetually exhausted, hormonally imbalanced and shattered from my day, I was doing the same.
There was the weekly rare occasion when I would food shop, prep and cook my meal from scratch.
Usually, I would put the frozen fish fingers or pizza in the oven, buy that supermarket ready meal or order takeaway.
I couldn’t wait for my daughter to go to bed so I could watch a movie or current box set to veg out and just chill. Sex & The City and Ab Fab were my staples at the time!
After three hours of TV binging there I was shattered with no desire whatsoever to plan or even contemplate the idea of what we were going to eat the next day. I was tired and wanted to go to bed!
I kind of got used to this way of life. It was easy.
Except I was starting to pile on the weight! And I could see my daughter and hubby were going the same way.
I was feeling grumpy and miserable a lot of time. I started hating myself and the way I looked.
One day I read an article in a health magazine on Sunday Meal Planning and decided to act on it. This was a game-changer for me.
In the beginning, I was like – What? Meal Planning – what even is that?
But I tried it anyway. Nothing to lose, I thought…we all have to eat.
So, I did my shopping on Saturday and meal prepping and cooking on Sunday.
This simple trick of meal prepping worked!
When I got super-tired from a day's work … I knew I’d got it covered. I knew I wouldn’t eat junk and nor would my family. A healthy meal was waiting for us in the fridge.
Another thing that magazine article said was ALWAYS have ‘back up’ meal ingredients in the house. Back up meals are emergency meals you can make when everything fails and you don’t have the faintest clue what to cook for dinner tonight.
These are usually family favourite meals that you can make in 15 minutes or so; pasta bolognese or chicken wraps in my case.
Before we wrap-up, I want to share the sentence I read that really resonated with me: Life Will NEVER Not Be Busy!
Now I know this is stating the blindingly obvious, but sometimes we need just that.
To help you find the time and start you off on a path of a good meal planning - click here and download my Sunday Meal Prep Recipes.
After you’ve read this article, I invite you to come up with two ‘back up’ meals (write them down) that your whole family will enjoy and buy the ingredients for those two meals this week. Enjoy the process.
Stay well and stay safe,
Angelika x
PS. What are your thoughts/obstacles when it comes to cooking? Post it in the Facebook comments! Let us know what are your two chosen ‘back up’ meals to inspire others?
How NOT to gain weight during lockdown

Here we go again… 2.0 lockdown! Life must go on and we shall prevail
But, if you want to discover how NOT to gain weight in lockdown 2.0 and if below resonates:
* You just cannot stop snacking
* You're feeling guilty each time you have that chocolate or bag of crisps?
* You're eating healthy and working out but it just does not make a difference?
* You're trying to be good all day only to fail by 10pm by rummaging your fridge when no one is watching?
* You don't know what to cook for dinner?
* You just smell a doughnut and put on like 4 pounds?
Join me on Tuesday, 10th November, @ 8.30 pm for my free Live Zoom Webinar for Local Mums here:
I work with women who have been struggling with weight for some time – done Weightwatchers, Atkins, Juicing Diet etc. It worked for two weeks but afterwards they gain it all back + two extra pounds!
As a nutritionist and weight loss coach, I help busy women to lose weight, build healthy eating habits, stop emotional cravings, look and feel good and finally fit into favourite clothes without giving up bread, wine or chocolate.
See you Tuesday.
Have a great weekend! Angelika x

The #1 step to lose your weight for good.

If you’ve tried and failed time and time again to get your weight back on track and to STAY on track…you may be feeling a bit frustrated to say the least.
I totally get it. I’ve been there. Got the T-shirt. It’s a really scary, raw, vulnerable position to be in…
You just want to prove to the World (and yourself) that you can succeed.
You’re ready to go all in…
But you notice doubt trickling in…
Can I really stick with it?
I love chocolate too much!
It seems like a lot of time...time I don’t have.
“Where do I even begin?”
There’s something you have to remember: It’s so important to have a
positive support system that holds you accountable.
Your environment is everything. So if your friends and family aren’t willing or able to support you through this next chapter… it’s time to get some outside support.
Someone (or a group of people) who is in your corner and truly gets what you’re going through. Because I know how important it is to have an expert in your corner to help you get the results you want and deserve.
Taking back control of your cravings and emotional binging doesn’t need to be as hard as it may seem right now. There are so many resources and paths available to you!
The #1 action step you can take to set yourself up for success is to build a solid support system around you and your goals so you can have the accountability you need to create lasting change.
And just so you know, —you have ME in your corner now ;-)
Which is why I want to personally invite you to a free online webinar with me, so you can break free of your limiting beliefs, bad habits, fears that hold you back and truly create the life you want!
FREE Webinar for Local Mums
On this free Webinar you’ll discover:
· How to quit YO-YO dieting, minimize cravings, stop obsessing over food and finally lose those stubborn 10-40 pounds you’ve trying to lose for X number of years.
· The secret sauce to finally feeling CONFIDENT and SEXY with or without clothes on
· Did you know you DON’T need to exercise every single day to lose weight? This means you can get the body you want without spending hours and hours at the gym.
· Plus a whole lot more…
If you make this one of those things you don’t just sign up for BUT actually
do… it is going to change your body, your mind and your life
Register today>
There are a limited number of spots available, so
be sure to secure yours today!
With Love & Empowerment,
Free Webinar: The 3 Secrets I Used To Lose My Belly Fat and Fix My Relationship With Food Without Giving Up Bread, Wine Or Chocolate
Webinar Date: 10th November 2020
Webinar Time & Time Zone: 8:30 PM (GMT)
Link To Join:
Vitamin D - Why is it so important to our health?
Ok, so summer is officially over. It’s a great time to start thinking about our vitamin D.
I’m sure you have all heard about vitamin D, but do you actually know what it does and how to get it?
Vitamin D is a truly important vitamin and should NOT be neglected. Below are just some of the effects that vitamin D has on your body:
- Bone Health: Vitamin D helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. These nutrients are needed to keep bones, teeth, and muscles healthy. Osteoporosis, rickets in children etc.
- Immune System Health: Vitamin D plays a role in modulating parts of the immune system that act against pathogens that are unknown to the body and also in developing memory against those pathogens it has previously encountered, creating a stronger immune system in the process.
- Covid 19: A lot of research coming out now links Corona patients who end up at the intensive care unit with very low levels of vitamin D.
- Mood: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can affect some individuals during the months when there is less sunshine leading to symptoms of depression. This is linked to a drop in Vitamin D levels.
- Evidence suggests that low levels of vitamin D is implicated in several forms of cancer (colorectal, breast cancer in particular), cardiovascular disease, tuberculosis and obesity.
So how do we get vitamin D?
Sunshine is the main natural source of vitamin D and we get around 80% of our needs that way and only around 20% comes from food.
You make vitamin D under your skin when you are outside in daylight, which is the reason vitamin D is sometimes called the ‘sunshine vitamin’.
However, up to 50% of the world's population may not get enough sun! Especially those in the northern hemisphere – us in the UK included.
The body makes its own vitamin D when the Sun UVB rays hit our skin. It’s not possible to make too much vitamin D from the sun, as the body self-limits the amount it produces.
For the majority of the population the government recommends 15 minutes outdoors in the sun (no sunscreen on), between 11am and 3pm in the summer, with arms and legs and face exposed.
The UVB rays that stimulate the production of vitamin D do not pass through glass, so you must be outdoors. Also, using sunbeds isn't a recommended way of making vitamin D.
However, In the UK, between October and early March, we don't get enough vitamin D from sunlight.
Between October and March, the angle of the sun is too low for enough UVB rays to reach the Earth’s surface and start the production of vitamin D under our skin.
And we have to rely on the reserves of vitamin D that our body has stored up during the summer months to keep us going.
What can be done?
The current recommendation from The Department of Health and Public Health England (PHE) is that adults and children over the age of one should consider taking a daily supplement containing 10mcg of vitamin D (400 IU) between October and March.
Please note: Sometimes the amount of vitamin D is expressed as International Units (IU). 1 microgram of vitamin D is equal to 40 IU. So, 10 micrograms of vitamin D is equal to 400 IU.
The Department of Health also recommends that people (listed below) have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency are being advised to take 10mcg of vitamin D all year round:
· with dark skin from African, African-Caribbean and South Asian backgrounds because their bodies are less able to produce vitamin D
· aren't often outdoors – for example, if you're frail or housebound
· are in an institution like a care home
· usually wear clothes that cover up most of their skin when outdoors for cultural reasons
So how to get vitamin D it in the winter?
As mentioned above only 20% of vitamin D comes from food. The main food source of vitamin D is fish. Oily fish in particular; salmon, maceral, tuna, trout, swordfish, sardines, anchovies etc.
UK Department of Health recommends eating 2 portions of fish a week (140g each) one of those portions should be oily fish…Don’t shoot the messenger.
We also find vitamin D (not much though) in:
· red meat, liver in particular
· egg yolk (eggs enriched with vitamin D has 10 x more vitamin D than normal eggs)
· some cheeses
· mushrooms (exposed to UVB light)
· fortified milk
· fortified breakfast cereals
If you don't like fish, taking cod liver oil can be key to obtaining your vitamin D. But you need to take a sufficient dose. Taking one tablet is not always enough – we need to get 400 IU that’s a bare minimum!
Another great way to top up our vitamin D reserves is a vitamin D supplement.
My suggestion: always buy vitamin D in liquid form instead of a tablet. Also, look for vitamin D3 bioform as instead of D2 bioform.
Liquid Vitamin D3 form is much more bioavailable in our body and will protect you better.
Hope this helps.
Suggestion: This weekend head to your local health food shop and get yourself (and those you love…parents, grandparents) a good vitamin D if you don’t have it already. x
Wouldn’t it be great if we craved broccoli or spinach?

If only..! If all of our sweet tooth or salty cravings were replaced by an overwhelming desire to eat green vegetables, we would all be walking around with thigh gaps.

I used to struggle with terrible cravings. The kind of cravings that completely take over your mind. I’d be doing so well all day and then the evening would come and it would be like I completely lost control…I was possessed!
And those cravings definitely weren’t for salad. Oh no! Give me a dessert with ten spoonfulls of sugar and half a pack of butter then drench that thing in chocolate. I really thought it was a biological impossibility to not end each meal with something sugary and sweet. I thought this was normal. Just a part of being human.
So when I finally figured out the root cause of my weight gain was also the cause of the cravings, my mind was blown. Cravings - although extremely common - are not normal at all. They occur because our struggling metabolism wants the path of least resistance so it sends out hormone signals that create hunger and cravings. Our bodies know that it is so much quicker and easier to get energy from those high glucose foods (crap processed foods basically) than from the energy (fat) stored in our body.
Fat is very stubborn and difficult for our body to burn…hence that everlasting belly fat that just won’t go; this is a #fact. But when you balance the hormones and strengthen the metabolism the cravings actually STOP!
I did a poll recently asking local mums what they think the number one challenge is preventing them from losing weight and by far CRAVINGS was number one. The good news is we can change that - we can stop or curb our craving significantly!
In my next blog I will share my Five Simple Strategies for Women Over 40 To Crush Those Food Cravings. This guide will equip you to beat the cravings without giving up bread, wine or chocolate.
This will help you to ditch those infernal cravings so you can stop having have a nightly fridge hostage negotiation with yourself and you can finally make losing weight so much easier.
See you next time x
Making cooking more fun to aid weight loss

If you don’t love cooking, maybe I can help to make it more fun for you?
I know that sometimes I don't find cooking to be that much fun. I can get into that same old same old routine, I’m sure you can relate..?
So that's why I've listed my best "fun" cooking tips that have helped me.
My fun cooking tip number 1
Check out new recipes
Sometimes just seeing the beautiful food photos and reading the recipe can spark some inspiration and fun in your kitchen.
You can head to your local bookstore. Or look up your favourite nutritionists, chefs, bakers, and other online foodies. Maybe do a quick search on Google or Pinterest to see thousands of new ideas.
Perhaps you have some ingredients in your fridge that are just waiting to be eaten.
Pro Tip: Searching through recipes can be so fun and inspiring, and can also end up taking waaaay longer than planned. I used to do this a lot. So, consider setting your timer when you start browsing. The last thing you want is to take too much time looking, that you don’t leave enough time for cooking.
My fun cooking tip number 2
Make grocery shopping fun and inspiring
When you’re at the grocery store, try something that you haven’t had in a while. Is there a seasonal fruit or vegetable you haven’t had for months? What about a childhood favourite? Did you come across something totally delicious at a restaurant or get-together lately?
Or, browse around the store looking for something you haven't had before; something that is completely new to you. Be adventurous and fun. Then you can go to tip #1 to find new and inspiring recipes when you get home.
Pro Tip: Please-o-please never shop hungry! You know that one
My fun cooking tip number 3
Keep it simple!
Sometimes when I see a great food picture, I immediately get inspired to make it. But if I look at the ingredients or instructions and they're too long, I stop. While there are times when I'm inspired and dive into a new great recipe; when I'm not all that inspired, I need to keep things simple.
A few ways to keep things simple are to:
● Search for recipes with 10 or fewer ingredients, and five or fewer instructions;
● Search for recipes that can be made in one pot or pan;
● Buy ingredients that are ready to cook with (pre-washed salad greens, diced squashes, frozen vegetables, etc.)
● Always have ‘BACKUP’ meal ingredients in the house. Backup meals are you classic family favourites (spag bol, bangers and mash, stir-fry etc.)
My fun cooking tip number 4
Put on some music and invite someone to join you.
Do you have kids that need to learn the critical life skill of cooking? NO better time to do this then this summer!!! Perhaps your partner would love to join you? What about having a “cooking party” where everyone brings something and cooks together.
My fun cooking tip number 5
If none of the other tips work for you, invest in some kitchen swag!
Having proper kitchen tools makes cooking so much easier and faster. When's the last time you sharpened your (our bought yourself a new) knife? Could dicing carrots with a dull knife be draining the fun from cooking? Or is blending a smoothie with a crummy blender, leaving it too chunky to enjoy, making you feel less excited to try new smoothie recipes? I know it does for me.
You know that cooking is the key to healthy eating. And, yes, it does get boring from time to time.
Try one (or all) of my fun cooking tips to inspire you to get over to your kitchen and cook yourself some great dishes.
You already know your health will thank you.
Click to check out my super easy and healthy Halloumi & Beans delish family recipe.
If you want help with healthy cooking and inspiration - give me a shout or check my Facebook page for inspiration:
Why can’t I lose my belly fat?

"Angelika tell me why I cannot lose my belly fat? I am eating well, exercising every day but I cannot lose it!?’’ I get this a lot from Local Mums…especially in this current situation!
To be honest there are so many reasons why we just can't lose weight, fat in particular, because there are many factors involved in the weight loss process.
So, what is going on? Why is it that some of us can't lose weight, especially after hitting the big 40?
Unfortunately, there’s no escaint the fact that things start going downhill from the age of 30 when we start losing muscle. Some doctors even say from our 20s onward…but that seems pessimistic to me.
But one reason that surprises a lot of Local Mums is not eating enough protein in their daily food.
Proteins are great they build our muscles. Muscles are metabolically active – meaning MORE MUSCLES – FASTER METABOLISM – WE BURN MORE FAT – JEANS GET LOOSER. It really is that simple.
I’m sure you’ve seen those muscley guys in the gym or park that seem to eat enormous portions but they’re still fit? The reason is they have lots of muscles and muscles burn calories.
Also…important for us ladies…protein drastically reduces chicken wings and saggy bottoms and we don’t want those do we..?
My story
I have to say I did not figure this one out until quite recently.
For years and years, forbreakfast I was eating my muesli with banana and maple syrup, jam on granary toast with strawberries thinking, oh yeah, this is really healthy, I’m getting some fruit and some fibre…I’m sorted!
Oh yes, I forgot to mention the large latte with two sugars. Boy, did that taste good!
Lunch at work was hit and miss….more often than not a sandwich with a bag of crisps or a soup with three slices of bread.
Dinner, something like pasta bolognese. Yep, that was the norm…no protein (or very little) in sight.
And I was wondering why I was never losing the weight even though I was exercising five days a week in the gym for an hour a time. I really should have been fit, right? But I wasn’t...
Instead, I was getting fatter. I was frustrated, famished and fat (my three FFF’s). I was constantly tired and pissed off not knowing what to do, how to eat.
I needed the answers.
So in my 30s I literally went back to school…
I learned. I went through the endless night studying facts and figures of nutrition (night owl here), trial and erroring on my own body. And I figured it out. I was not eating the right amount of protein for my body and my age. Lightbulb flashed.
Now I can hear you saying…What? Protein for breakfast. I don’t want a chicken breast for breakfast! Hold your horses…let me explain.
I started slowly, I traded my jam on toast for eggs and avocados, I added nuts and seeds to my porridge and yoghurt and I made damn sure to include protein in every single meal and snack of the day!
I was paying attention to this protein business. And after a while… I was getting enough.
By the way, we should be having roughly 25 g of protein in each meal. Also, we should have roughly 1 gram of protein per kg of our body weight. To put it in perspective a person of 80kg (~180 pounds -12.5 stones) should have 80 g of protein daily.
I started feeling fuller for longer (that’s what proteins do), Also, my cravings subsided. Don’t get me wrong cravings still crop up on those rare hard days...
Finally, I lost weight.
Now after marriage, a child and a full-time business I look and feel better than ever at 43.
To help you get that protein in check out my protein-rich breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes.
Enjoy x
Sweet tooth? What to eat instead of sweets?

I know I’m preaching a bit here but it’s worth remembering that now is not the time to relax and get complacent on your food prep, blood sugar/hormone balancing meals and hydration. If anything the absolute opposite is true…
I won’t get technical on you but keeping your blood sugar stable (keeping insulin low) and ensure that you are supporting your stress hormones (cortisol) is critical.
If you’re not used to being at home all day, take note of how much you are eating, when and why. Make a note of it somewhere for a day or two to assess the reality of what comes in (see my food diary chart below). If you don’t actually write it down how will you know/remember? Right? Just being practical here.
Number ONE thing that I see with local mums is they don’t eat enough at mealtimes…I’ll have just a little of the lunch (in hope to lose some weight) only to snack on biscuits an hour later…sound familiar? If the meal times are not sorted properly you will be craving foods throughout most of the day, guaranteed. I witness this every day with mums!
Quick fact for you: on average cravings last for 2-3 minutes…see if you can handle it next time?
So, make sure your meals are nourishing and filling enough (protein in every meal) that you don’t (physically) feel the need to snack...
If you find yourself craving foods, then that’s a good indicator you need to support your hormones and/or support your mental wellbeing as cravings are usually a sign something is not working properly. Emotions and stress come into play here… but that’s for another blog post.
The majority of us across the world are currently working from home and social distancing and so we could be more tempted to snack on the food we wouldn't normally eat because we are bored, stressed and experiencing five other emotions at the same time.
Today, I’m going to share my quickest tips on what to eat instead when the sweet cravings strike:
Instead of chocolate:
• 2-3 squares of dark chocolate (70%+ Cocoa) and 3 brazil or other nuts, it’s a treat… followed by a glass of water, of course…Food for thought: we mistake thirst for hunger 40% of the time!
• A handful (30 g) of dried fruit (raisins, cranberries, prunes - fab if constipated)
• 2-3 dates are an amazing substitute (my favourite…work like a charm)
• Piece of fruit…never fails; banana, apple, pear or other you fancy…
Instead of biscuits:
• Rice cake or cracker with peanut or almond butter
• Sliced apple with peanut or almond butter
• A handful of plain nuts (7-8 walnuts, almonds or other of your choice)
Instead of cake/ after meal desert:
• 3 tablespoons of Greek yoghurt with a handful of blueberries mixed in with a tablespoon of milled almond or flaxseed + a teaspoon of honey if you wish…Gives you much need probiotics and fibre + tastes amazing…just try it.
Meal of the week: Halloumi and Beans Meal
Stay well and stay healthy.

To drink or not to drink? That is the question now…

Ideas on how to cut down on booze now when home 24/7
When I was walking to the park with our dog the other day, our bin day, I saw bin after bin overflowing with bottles.
Funnily enough on the same day I read about statistics in the UK that people are actually drinking 25 percent more, or one in four of us drink more than before Covid situation! Which is a lot!
Now I know, it’s a tricky topic to navigate….
Disclaimer: I am not an alcohol specialist, however as a health coach I know full well that excess drinking will add on weight and I want to share a few tricks of the trade with you on how to navigate this touchy topic.
Please note: If you think you might have some issues with drinking the wise thing is to seek professional help.
A few things about alcohol
Alcohol makes people feel good, we all want to
loosen up, relax, release our inhibitions and have fun, which is absolutely
fine…. While drinking alcohol in moderation is great thing for our mood and
even has some health benefits
(resveratrol ant-oxidants in red wine prevents cardio-vascular diseases), going
overboard can have a severe negative effect on our physical
and mental health. But you knew that
A few stats
Current UK alcohol
recommendation: 14 units for man and women. That is 6 pints of bear, or (not and)
10 small glasses of wine or less per week. If you don’t drink - keep it that
Fact: Drinking 6 pints of lager per week adds up to 50 000 calories per year equivalent to eating 250 doughnuts or 14 pounds of belly fat per year!
Not trying to be a party pooper here, but it’s important to keep our drinking in check …especially now! Having a few drinks now and then throughout the week is fine and so needed at times (guilty as charged) but keeping a lid on it is the name of the game. A few of my suggestions below:
My simple suggestions
on cutting down on alcohol when at home:
· First things first - don’t buy more alcohol than you will drink in one night! Or better still do not buy it in the first place! If you don’t have it in the house – you won’t drink it!
· White wine opened can stay corked in a fridge 3-5 days, same as red but store it in a cool dark place. So, no need to finish up the bottle.
· Aim to have at least two alcohol-free days a week.
· Plan activities and tasks at times you would usually drink (Friday/Saturday night in my case). Do something different to disturb the old habit (drinking is just a habit that you’ve learned while ago – if you can learn it you can UN-learn it – yep this is fact!) of drinking at the weekend. Some of the suggestions: as going to the cinema is out of question now…watch a movie you’ve been wanting to see in the last three years, play some card games with kids or take a bath might be idea insteadC.
Honestly answer these simple questions before you reach for THAT bottle:
· How is drinking affecting me?
· What have I got to lose if this carries on?
· What would happen if I stopped drinking every weekend / every other day?
· What can I do differently next time?
My 15 non-alcoholic swaps to try - never a better time to try them than NOW:
1. Alcohol-free white wine - Eisberg Chardonnay 125 ml 33 calories – or other brands online
2. Alcohol-free sparkling wine (Eisberg)
3. Alcohol-free red wine - Cabernet Sauvignon alcohol-free (Areil)
4. Alcohol-free Gin (Fluere)
5. Non- alcoholic spirit (Speedlip Grove 42)
6. Club soda, soda water, sparkling water
7. Pink grapefruit…Fentimans tonic water is amazing!
8. Margaritas and Pina colada cocktails in general average 500 calories…proceed with caution, so have 1 instead of 3? Or try Mocktails: Virgin Mary without vodka, Cosmopolitan.100% cranberry juice + lime + soda water instead of vodka – or any other – google your favourite mocktail
9. Ginger beer - Rochester ginger
10. Non-alcoholic beers (Brew Dog Nanny State…hubby swears by it)
11. Tonic water + fruit juice+ few mint leaves and ice instead J&T
12. V8 vegetable – V8 Energy /fruit juices
13. Lipton Tea/ ice tea, ice coffee
14. Green tea and Black coffee, 1-2 a day fat burner
15. Water- still simply the best to drink when thirsty. Little fact for you: majority of us confuse thirst for hunger 40 % of the time
Suggestion: Great apps to track the alcohol intake if you not sure how much you drink
Challenge for you: Write two things that you will do differently about alcohol when you get the urge this week?
For those who are not drinking but reading here is a great Tuna Niçoise recipe.
Stay Well, Stay Safe (+ be alcohol smart now)

Stop eating your emotions:
Tips to help you eat less and curb cravings when working from home
Challenging and unprecedented times for all to say the least. The majority of us across the world are now working from home and social distancing and it’s so easy and so tempting to snack and eat food that we normally wouldn’t because we are bored, stressed and experiencing another five emotions at the same time… I do not have a solution to all of that, however below are my Non-edible and edible tips to help:
Non-edible tips
· Catch yourself in the moment ‘I need a cookie right now’ and change your thoughts. You can actually do this without too much trouble. Self-discipline is a real thing.
· Think long term… It would be unrealistic to expect to stop your cravings rationally, but take a step back and thinking about long term consequences obesity, diabetes, mood swings…What will happen if you don’t stop……………………………? (you fill the blanks)
· Call your loved ones (mother, BFF)…talk is a form of therapy…woman use it a lot.
· Listen to music, put your favourite song on and dance to change your mood.
· Do some workouts - Check out our Local Mums Fitness Editor Maria’s Fit Mum workouts or any type of exercise you enjoy doing…run up and down the stairs five times… Anything goes!
· Enjoy and celebrate your little wins e.g. finish a big chunk of the project you are working on, had a great hour playing with the kids…everything counts.
· Chunk it - break it down what you’re going to do (nutritionally and exercise-wise) tomorrow and then break it in half, then half it again…until is so easy and simple that you’ll definitely doing it tomorrow.
· Learn to say NO! It’s a skill.
· Play games (card or board games) with kids at home or friends over the internet.
· Have a bath with Epsom salts (magnesium relaxes your muscles) and go to bed early – a perfect time to sort out your bed time routine.
Edible tips
· Food swaps: fruit instead of sweets (a few dates instead of chocolate) or nuts instead of crisps…Greek yoghurt with a few blueberries and walnuts is a great dessert.
· Drink water….we confuse thirst with hunger… a lot ~40 % of the time.
· Cook your meals – a perfect time to start making good simple home-cooked meals.
· Eat three good meals per day, but smaller than normal meals as we move less now.
· Minimize snacking…or give it your best shot. Feeling peckish grab a piece of fruit. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
· Ask yourself a question before demolishing that bag of crisps – what can I do instead? And how long is it going to take to burn this off inside these 4 walls…
· Eat protein with every meal such as piece: meat, fish, tofu, mushrooms, eggs, beans, chickpeas, cheese, yoghurts etc.
· Eat from a smaller plate and chew each mouthful ~20 times.
· Eat with family - never a better time to bond than now.
· Don’t get too hungry – when super hungry you are much likely to choose bad!
Challenge: Pick two tips (at least) try them this week and let me know?
Stay well, stay healthy x

April 2020
- Quick Corona Quiz: Which zone in the picture are you in?
- So much to learn from these crazy times…
As a nutritionist and mindset coach, I just wanted to check in and say that it’s ok for mums out there to be selfish at times and find ‘Me Time’ this Easter. We are ALL allowed to do that.
If you are like me, you most likely want to make sure everyone else around you is ok – to do so protect yourself NOW. If you become ill, you won’t be able to support anyone else. It’s NOT selfish to make sure you stay as mentally and physically healthy as possible. It’s a necessity.
I am a self-employed mum of a super active little girl who says at 9:30pm on a school night ‘I’m not tired’ so much so that we are not allowed to say: 'You are tired’ as she’ll go mad. The kid is amazing but full of beans and energy...
My first responsibility is to be a mother and wife and to show up in a way that I am proud of every single day regardless of what’s going on in the world which is SOOOO much easier to do when they are in school…
Now that we are all stuck at home it is important for kids to navigate their own feelings which we must help them with. And yes kids will get bored. Absolutely FINE by me.
Please let kids get bored. It’s good for their creativity. The trick is: when they get bored let them do and play anything they want in their room BUT not phones/iPads and TV. I know it’s hard but it’s doable.
My kid (probably yours too) will instantly respond when my energy shifts so I need to show love, compassion and joy throughout the day (fully aware this won’t happen all the time) otherwise the household is in tatters.
Mothering them now requires 10 times more energy than it did a few weeks ago.
I am also highly sensitive, empathic person. I NEED alone time. I need quiet. I need to have full days where I can do my own things to fill my own cup. I don’t have that luxury right now.
So a few things that are really helping my sanity right now:
• Separate the children on different floors of the house (we’re calling this in-house social distancing…it’s brilliant)
• Noise-cancelling headphones for you and the kids (I wear mine when working, they wear theirs when listening to dumb annoying things I don’t want to hear like those stupid YouTube videos)
• Fake showers (this one has saved my sanity more times than I can count-- pretend you’re taking a shower, turn it on, let the water run (I know… water/environment, don’t get mad) and sit in silence in the bathroom, read a book, do whatever you want. Leave the bathroom with your robe on. They’ll never know. Try it. Thank me later
• Go for a drive and sing out loud, real loud
• Solo walks (if possible, of course)
Note on social media: Do not watch the news unless it’s critical to (do not listen to the commentary, there’s no point, it’s mainly opinion, not fact). Avoid going down the rabbit hole with friends and family. Notifications on WhatsApp can be switched off – just saying.
Happy Easter Everyone… and watch out for some Easter recipes soon…
Stay Well, Stay Healthy and Stay Safe (keep social distancing)
- Angelika x
Check out Angelika’s vlog and her weight loss tips below
10 reasons why it’s important to plan your weekly meals

Why are we eating the same foods week in, week out? Food is so versatile! So why do we end up eating the same stuff on a regular basis? Not anymore - I hope. Writing down your weekly meal planner and a shopping list will help you to change your eating habits and encourage you to try new and exciting foods and recipes.
1. Stop the majority of us getting caught up in eating the same things over and over without even realising it – same pasta, salads same curry etc…but it’s time to shake things up! Plus, spring is coming our way…
2. Give you the opportunity to sit down for 15 minutes a week and think what you and your family want to eat this week. Keep in mind, the food we eat will have an effect on our mood, memory, physical performance and many other functions. It’s not just a fuel…diesel!
3. Broaden your food horizons, you are creative – much more than you think- but we sometimes don’t dare ourselves enough to try new things! Challenge: Cook that meal you have been wanting to try for the last 6 months – you know which one?
4. Help us get the different vitamins and minerals from different foods we need – eating the same foods can potentially cause certain vitamin deficiency (iron, Vit C, magnesium etc). I know people who are on the same repeat Ocado order for the last 3 years!
5. Help you have a well-stocked fridge. Your weekly big shop (or two smaller) is so important because if you don’t have nothing much in your fridge – you cannot and will not make healthy decisions at 6.30 pm on Wednesday. How can you?! You will simply end up ordering takeaway, buy ready cooked meals, eat a sandwich - again, or you will reach for that packet of crisps/biscuits that you promised yourself you wouldn’t touch! I am sure you are not one of those people and now you never will be.
6. Help you eat healthy. Cooking healthy meals requires 30 minutes or less of your time. Less time than to go to local Tesco and buy a ready meal!
7. Help you to cook in batches, preparing meals the night before and over the weekends, preparing our own lunch boxes (back to school) does make sense. The majority of cooked foods can stay refrigerated for up to 2 days after cooking. Once food is cooked cool it down (leave it no more than 2 hours before) and put it to the fridge or freezer – if left longer than 2 hours bacteria might start developing.
8. Encourage you try those low carb alternatives: cauliflower and broccoli rice, butternut squash or courgette noodles, Slim Pasta and Lo Dough pizza base- those are some of the easy carb substitutes that taste good. Please note: try to manage your expectation when trying new foods with less calories. ‘Slim Pasta’ has 60 calories per 200g serving, this is 5 x times less calories than your regular spaghetti serving which is 300 calories per 200 g. This is 240 calories difference, so it’s not really fair to expect exactly the same texture, flavour and get the identical feeling in your mouth! However, if you have a nice healthy sauce and nice salad with it – I promise you - you will enjoy it.
9. Help you spend less money. Statistics show that people who planned their weekly meals spend less money and consume less calories. Tesco local is more expensive 10-15% at times than the big store!
10. Help you lose weight. From personal experience and experience with my clients – people who plan, shop and cook regularly (also keeping their food diaries) – are the ones who lose and maintain they weight successfully through life.
Download my 1-Week Meal Planner and Shopping list here.
How Nutritional Coaching can help you change your life
Coaching is not something bizarre where someone messes with your brain, telling you what you need to say or do. Coaching is actually about helping you to get from where you are now to where you want to be, much quicker and more effectively than if you were working alone. Coaching works for any area of our lives, but it’s particularly effective when it comes to nutrition and weight loss.
Us nutritional coaches would all be rich if we gained a pound for every time a client came to us saying that they really want to lose weight, do more exercise or just eating healthier but something just stops them. What stops them is fear. Fear of not finding the time, financial pressure, conflicting family commitments or opinions, often what the people around you think will prevent you from doing it. And you just carry on as before. Nothing majorly wrong with that, but are you happy? Just to put it out there, the word FEAR could stand for False Evidence Appearing Real!
All of us humans are very resourceful creatures but we just don’t pay attention to ourselves enough these days. We are too busy! But coaching – talking to someone who will listen and guide you through the maze of potential is a brilliant way to get what you want – quicker.
I would like to give you the framework of the G.R.O.W model (G- Goal, R-Reality, O-Options, W-Will/Way Forward) so that you can try it yourself. The G.R.O.W model is one of the greatest coaching tools to help you realise your own true goals and come up with options to get you there. Also, the G.R.O.W model will help you to take ownership and commit to your goals.
Try it for size and see how it fits you. It’s a great mental exercise to juggle and intrigue your mind. See what happens.
Think of one area of your life you would like to improve. This can be anything from weight loss, career development, more family time, spirituality, travel, better fitness and health etc. Put the thing you want to work on through the questions below to clarify and refine things for you. See what happens. This will take 10-15 minutes of your time and the benefits to you should far outweigh this small investment.
1. Ask and answer the questions:
• What do you I want? What do I really, really want?
• How will I know when I have achieved it? How will I feel? Can you see yourself doing it?
• When do want to achieve it by?
• How will achieving it benefit me?
• What have I done specifically to achieve my goal so far?
• What challenges have I met and what options have I used to overcome this?
• What abilities or strengths do I already have which may help? Use these resources. You have more than you think you have. i.e. I want to lose weight. I know I can do it, as I lost a lot of weight in the past - so I can do it again, but slightly differently this time.
• What can I do?
• What else…? What else…?
• What if… (e.g. you had the time you need?)
• What is your fastest, easiest, preferred option forward?
• What might stop you and what might you do about it, if it happens?
• How will you commit? To your reflection in the mirror, through a post on Facebook?
• When will you take action? Now? Tonight?
2. Write all of it down on paper. Those who write their goals down have significantly greater results. Talking from personal experience here.
Well Done! You did it! How does it feel? Where is the problem? Is it still there? How much smaller or bigger does it look now? These simple questions can have a profound impact in so many areas of our life and not just nutrition. Use them!
’Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you are right.’’ – Henry Ford … It really is your choice to do or change something and nobody else’s! However, there are people (nutritional coaches) around you that can help along the way with losing weight and eating healthier.
Enjoy the journey!
To give you a helping hand this New Year, here is my special offer for Local Mums. Email me at to use the voucher below:

Help, I’m hungry! 21 tips on how to avoid food temptations this Christmas...
Over the past ten years I have gathered many tips on food temptations and how to avoid them. Here are 21 of my favourite tips that I would like to give to you to help you when hunger strikes! Have a go, you have nothing to lose…except a few pounds. Even if only some of them work for you, it will make a huge difference to your waist line! And please, drop me a line to tell me which ones worked for you, or not. I would love to hear about your successes and challenges.
Email me at

1. Pandoras box. Please, Please the first thing you really must do when starting out on any get fit goals or simple trying to trim up for that special occasion. CLEAR YOUR CUPBOARDS! of most of your temptation foods (you know what food I mean)! By throwing out (giving it away) you are making a commitment to yourself to make a change.
2. Keep busy. I think the nail is smacked on the head when you find yourself too busy to think about food. Sometimes we confuse hunger with boredom, and we often eat mindlessly when bored - I know I did! Go for a quick walk around the block, or if it’s too cold put on your favorite dance song (Eye of the Tiger works for me each time!).
3. My tummy rumbles. Scientist have found that hunger pangs seem to come and go in waves. So, it won’t get worse and worse, but instead in a little while, you won’t actually feel quite as hungry as you did! Just ride the waves… nothing bad will happened to you! Oh yeah, have a glass of water and wait five minutes.
4. Fasting fit. Still talking about hunger; James Scott got lost while hiking in the Himalayas for 43 days. His only food at the time was a few caterpillars daily. He lived! I am not recommending eating caterpillars, but going without food for a while (intermittent fasting) can really help you in many ways.
5. Sugar rush!? Sugar cravings are a big issue when trying to be healthier. When craving hits - try taking chromium tablets. Studies have shown that chromium can normalize blood sugar levels, improve blood sugar utilisation and decrease the bodies insulin requirements. Chromium can help people with a sweet tooth to.
6. Keep well hydrated. At least 2 liters of water per day. The big problem these days is dehydration. People often confuse thirst with hunger! People think they drink enough water! But the majority of us don’t! Drink up! Teas and coffees also count. Please download the water intake app (‘Drink Water’ or others) – only then you’ll track down your true water intake!
7. Lemon aids. Water with lemon helps with food digestion and aids weight loss. Warm water with lemon, fresh ginger and honey is the best thing to have first thing in the morning, ideally on empty stomach. This concoction is detoxifying and it will increase your metabolic rate.
8. Caffeine fix. Drinking green tea and coffee (in moderation) will also increase your metabolic rate and burn some extra calories. Try to cut down on milky coffees or adding sugar, simply half them.
9. Warm yourself up on a cold night, with soup. Soups (any of them) contain a large amount of water and will fill up your stomach, which sends the message to your brain that you are full! Soups are brilliant if your goal is to be healthier.
10. Get Minty! Brush your teeth when you start to feel hungry! Also rinsing your mouth with mouth wash will have a similar effect as well as nibbling on a few Tic-tac or minty sweets! Minty things work for some people by removing cravings and curbing their appetite! Are you one of those? Try it, you have nothing to lose and super fresh breath to gain. Put that toothbrush, tooth paste, mouth wash or Tic-Tac in your handbag - NOW!
11. Fruit is better than chocolate. When you are getting the taste for that sweet treat of yours - have some fruit. Fresh or dry fruit is good for you and contains much healthier natural sugars and fiber. Bananas contain potassium and magnesium and is shown to be a mood enhancer similar to chocolate. The same goes for dates - packed with potassium, magnesium, niacin, B-6, iron but half of the calories of chocolate.
12. Be a super hero. Eat plenty of proteins; chicken, fish, eggs and cottage cheese. Your body doesn’t store proteins in the same way as carbs, therefore no excess calories will be stored in your body. Proteins also fill you up for longer and build up your muscles.
13. Go green. Eat as many green leafy vegetables as you possible can! Go crazy with broccoli, kale, green beans, brussel sprouts… They are high in fiber, low in calories and will bulk up any of your meals.
14. Give your food your full attention. Focus on your food and eat slowly at meal times - chew every mouthful at least 20 times. The brain takes 15 minutes to get the message that your stomach is full. So, if you eat too quickly, your stomach will fill up before your brain knows you're full and you’ll end up eating too much. See what you can do at your next meal? Don’t eat while watching TV or on the phone, you have no idea what you are putting in your mouth.
15. Avoid temptation! Never go food shopping when you're hungry - you know this one right! Always write a list and stick to it. You are much stronger than you think!
16. Cook big, make spare! Cooking in larger batches will save you time. Also, if we have healthy food in the fridge or freezer, we are much less likely to eat junk food. Cooked food can usually stay in the fridge for two or three days. Let the food cool to room temperature for two hours before refrigerating - if left longer bacteria might start to grow. If you don't think you'll eat leftovers within three days, freeze them immediately.
17. Prepare your work lunch box the night before. It’s the easiest and cheapest way to eat well. You are in control! Shop meal deals can be good also. But choose wisely, salad lunch with quinoa, chicken, salad and veg are fab. However, the sauce that usually comes with it has loads of calories! Advice: do not be afraid to cut that sauce in half, the lunch will still taste great and you’ll cut hundreds of calories off!
18. Have a healthy relationship with food. Don't try to deny yourself the foods you enjoy or feel bad if you occasionally succumb to temptation. For example, if you say to yourself ‘’I will never eat chocolate again!’’. Your brain will think ‘’Eat that chocolate now!’’. It’s same as saying a child ‘’Do not run!’’, what they actually hear is run. Unfortunately, our brain does not hear the word ‘’NOT’’ very well at all! So, have a bit of your favorite chocolate. Few squares will actually satisfy your needs and make you feel better. You’ll stay on your daily calorie target and most importantly you won’t feel guilty!
19. A picture tells a thousand words. Every time you eat or drink unhealthy take a photo and post it on your Facebook or other social media, or if you prefer every time you eat something healthy post it there. A printed picture on your fridge works similarly! This shows your accountability to the cause.
20. Eating is a social thing - so involve someone close to you (your bestie or member of your family) on the journey. It’s much more fun that way.
21. Change the way you think about food. If we do not change the way we do things (eating in this case), we will be getting the same results we always have! Food is your good friend. We would die without food. Fact! Again, moderation and healthy food choices are your best allies here! Studies have shown that people who successfully lost weight and maintained their ideal weight are the same people who learnt how to change both their eating habits and their attitude towards food. Your time is here and now. Enjoy your journey of change. If you get stuck - No worries, I am here to help you.
Keen to lose weight for the Christmas party season?
Here’s seven practical tips

1. Listen to your gut
A well-known saying, right? But what does it mean? Our gut instinct is very powerful innate feeling that has been developing throughout thousands of years of evolution. But for some reason we stop listening to it! What to do?
• feeling hungry – don’t just go and grab a crisp or chocolate especially if eaten one hour ago! Lot of us eat out of boredom or because of stress or just out of habit rather than from true hunger. Consider asking yourself the following questions before grabbing a snack: Am I hungry? Am I tired? Am I thirsty? Am I sad? Am I bored? Is eating the only answer?
• lot of us confuse thirst with hunger. Test for you. Feeling hungry? Have a pint of water, wait 3 min and see how you feel – if hungry afterwards eat.
• had a big dinner at the party last night. You don’t feel that hungry in the morning. Skip the breakfast. It’s ok. This way you will balance out calorie excess and lunch will taste much better.
• we are so scared if our tummy rumbles these days – but actually scientists found out that when our tummy rumbles our body is switching from burning carbs (glucose) into burn fat! Now, I am not necessarily encouraging tummy rumbling here, but just want to say it’s not bad thing and from time to time let it rumble.
2. Do not eat late!
I know this is a hard one to swallow, but after 8 pm our metabolic rate is slowing down rapidly as we are getting ready to chill and do very little – so really no point getting loaded with food that won’t be used up… I am talking after-dinner snacks (biscuits, chocolate, crisps you know which ones!). Have to say, unless you are a physically active person, the majority of excess food consumed around that time of the night will be stored as a fat! So what can be done when after dinner hunger strikes:
• have a big mug of tea, any tea is good to fill up our tummy (obviously check your caffeine tolerance and sleep – but you know this already). Teas like peppermint (good for digestion), camomile (calming effect), fennel (reduces flatulence), red bush tea similar to English tea but no caffeine are all great
• simple popcorns lightly salted or plain, few handfuls
• kiwi fruit is known to aid sleep
• banana, contains magnesium which will calm the active mind
• glass of milk or Greek yogurt
3. Eat proper dinner around 6.30 – 7.30pm
I know this is not always possible but see what you can do to bring it close to those times?
4. Eat three nutritious meals a day and eat it Big!
Too often I find with my clients, they are simply eating too little at actual meal times and end up snacking shortly after! It’s contra productive, in most of the cases. OK, bowl of Spag Bol should be around 400g serving (~550 calories) and adding a side salad will bulk it up (please click here to see my Spaghetti Bolognese recipe). What is not recommended is a second or third helping or smothering in Parmesan!
5. Physical activity
Corny as it seems, it really is essential to help us lose and maintain our weight. I am not necessary talking a gym membership or expensive equipment, perfect if you got it, but:
• dumbbells, kettlebells, exercise ball, exercise bike. Most of us already have those somewhere in the house, under the bed possibly – use it! Start with only 5 min!
• any, and I mean any form of faster movement or good stretching first thing in the morning will make huge difference to your body and mind. Try this; put the radio on and dance to your favourite song while the kids are having porridge…it’s fun. Your kids might get a bit confused for the first time, but they will get used to it. Recently I started doing ‘Sun salutation’ set of yoga poses 3 minutes every morning – honestly such a huge difference in energy and it simply reshapes my day. And I do this straight after getting up and before leaving my bedroom…if I leave the bedroom there is a chance, I might not come back to do it!?
• walk! Simple, cheap and easiest way. We tend to forget this one because it’s so simple. But simple ones are usually the best ones.
6. Set your goals and write them down: ‘’Where do you see yourself in 3 or 6 months?’’ ‘’How does it feel?’’
7. Plan ahead:
• your weekly shopping (please download free shopping list)
• your weekly meals
• your meal next day
• clean your cupboards
• let your friends and family know that you are making some changes – they will respect you for that
Truth of the matter is, if we don’t change something, we will be getting the same results over and over again. So yes, do get excited about your new changes which will lead to a happier and fitter you and have fun on your journey.
For more on weight loss tips and solutions contact our Nutrition Editor Angelika at her private practice in Sutton or visit her at Westcroft Leisure Centre Carshalton on Wednesdays 2-8pm. Appointment booking essential.
Special exclusive offer for Local Mums
10% off Nutritional Consultations for Local Mums Online members:
Personalised Weight Loss and Motivational Coaching Programme (lose 10-30 lbs in 4-12 weeks)
Read Local Mums reviews of Nutrition In Mind here
Angelika Cutuk-Short
Nutrition Coach
mobile: 07899948682

About Angelika
This is me. In my late 20s I ended up four stones (over 20 kg) overweight and a McDonald’s junkie.
I was miserable. Truly miserable. I felt gross and I was ashamed of myself because I wasn’t able to lose weight. I felt trapped in my own body, I had massive emotional eating attacks with sweet stuff in particular (Snickers bars – my kryptonite!)
I tried a lot of different things… you name it I tried it: Atkins, Keto, Cabbage Soup Diet, Slimming World, but nothing worked…
Correction… all of the diets worked for a couple of weeks, maybe a month, then they didn’t. I would gain all the weight back and a few extra pounds!
Why couldn’t I control my emotional eating? Why were my cravings so much stronger than me? How did my two best friends do it and I could not? What was wrong with me?
I was so confused about what to eat and what to do exactly. I even went to a doctor who prescribed Orlistat which just made me poo badly.
I knew there HAD to be an explanation, there HAD to be! Heaven knows I was ready for change.
Around the same time, my Dad was diagnosed with diabetes, I got super scared! The penny FINALLY dropped! I decided to do something… enough was enough…I didn’t want to go the same way... and have to stick a needle in my stomach three times a day.
So I went back to school. I passed my Masters in nutrition and became a NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) behaviour coach.
After years of effort and much trial and error, I did it. I figured out how to break the cycle of yo-yo dieting, constantly thinking about food and I FINALLY got the dial on the scale to move in the right direction. Now a few years later, marriage, kid – I am in the best shape ever - perfect 10!
Since becoming a weight loss coach I’ve helped hundreds of private and corporate clients to do the same.
My mission is to inspire and motivate people like you to become the healthiest versions of themselves, build healthy relationships with food and lose weight for good so there are no more guilt trips after having your favourite foods (still burger for me), because eating should be a joyous thing.
Who am I:
• A full-time weight loss coach, wife and a mum to an amazing girl
• Fully registered MSc Nutritional Therapist (BANT, CNHC) working in the industry since 2007
• Certified NLP (behaviour coach)
• Regional ambassador for PHC (public health collaboration) charity that works closely with the UK government and NHS to reverse type 2 diabetes via food and behaviour changes
• Nutritional consultant for 2 large corporate businesses
• Nutrition editor for Local Mums Online
• London Marathon Runner