Robert Hocking, founder of local meal delivery service Independence Market, blogs for us all about food and mealtimes.

Trying to make dinner interesting
A lot’s changed in the way we develop our menus from when we started 16-weeks ago. Before we launched we did a lot of research - all of it focused on how the average mum gets her family organised for dinner during the week. As I mentioned in my last blog, we were amazed to find that the average number of meals being prepared every night was 2.2 and 73% of families ate the same thing every week. We figured this level of repetition was because people know what their kids will eat and don’t want to take risks. And while this is true, it actually has more to do with the time it takes to keep coming up with new ideas.
So that’s when the lightbulb went off: what if we did that work? So every week we feature what we call a ‘Taste of…’ menu - last week it was Thailand, next week it’s Britain - that allows us to help mums with new ideas for dishes that her family will like. Every week we do a ‘one-pan’ meal, a pasta, a mid-week BBQ (indoor/outdoor), a gourmet burger, a whole range of ‘5 a day’ options to keep veg in the diet, and we also feature what we call Favourites, think of it as comfort food. We’ve had phenomenal feedback on our food.
We’re trying really hard to make a difference. If you’re a Local Mum (or Dad) that needs help occasionally getting dinner to the table please give us a try. We’ll give you 50% off your first order (use the code Get me dinner! at the checkout) and we’ll give you your money back if we don’t make you happy. Simple; the very idea that inspired our company.
Read Local Mums’ reviews of Independence Market
50% discount for Local Mums!
Check out this great service out at, choose a meal and enter ‘Get me dinner!’ at the checkout for a 50% discount!
Solving time pressure
A few incredible facts: the average household shops for food more than 250 times a year - 20 years ago that number was 80. The average Gen X Mum (aged late ‘30s-early ‘50s) has an average of four recipes in her dinner repertoire; for a Millennial Mum (those aged 18-35) that average is zero. Yet the average family household makes 2.2 meals a night (keeping the kids happy), and 73% make the same meals every week. And in 13 million family households the same question is asked every day: ‘what’s for supper?’
Our lives have changed beyond recognition over the last 25 years. We’re time starved, plan less, shop more, and look to products and services to help make our lives easier. I’ve seen it up close in my career working for some of the world’s most famous brands. My wife and I struggle keeping the plates spinning in our family life with 3 young daughters. We want to eat properly, and by properly I mean ‘balanced’, ‘tastes good’, and 'quick without costing a fortune.’ I couldn’t find the right solution so we started this company. We moved from Canada 10 years ago to get into the food business because we felt the old models for shopping and getting decent products was broken.
Independence Market is a tiny company with a mighty mission: to help you shop less, live more, and eat well - all in 30 minutes or less for £3-4 per family member, delivered straight to your door. If you’re a parent that needs help occasionally getting dinner to the table please give us a try. We’ll give you 50% off your first order (use the code ‘Get me dinner! at the checkout) and we’ll give you your money back if we don’t make you happy. Simple; the very idea that inspired our company.
Read Local Mums’ reviews of Independence Market
50% discount for Local Mums
Check out this great service out at, choose a meal and enter ‘Get me dinner!’ at the checkout for a 50% discount!
Why the world needs another food company
I’m the founder of Independence Market, a business set up to make the lives of mums easier when it comes to getting healthy, tasty meals on the table. I started the company 12 weeks ago after a career spent working with some of the biggest food and retail brands in the world. I got to a point where I lost faith in the ability of these big companies to provide the kinds of products and services I think their customers deserve.
I’ve been joined by a group of product developers, chefs and mums all dedicated to making a difference. So here’s how we do it: we produce family-friendly meals inspired by the tastes of the world that change every week using ingredients you’d only ever find in your pantry. We’ve got a great range of vegetarian options to help with the ‘five a day’ and everything we make can be prepared and to the table within 30 minutes.
You can order today for today or in advance, and we deliver straight to your door. Everything comes with a ‘no messing about’ 100% money back guarantee and every customer has my personal number in case there’s ever a problem (07854 152129, call me if you have questions).
Every week we receive notes from customers telling us they love what we do – we think you will too. Check us out at, choose a meal and enter ‘Get me dinner!’ at the checkout for a 50% discount to try us. C’mon, give it a go!
Read Local Mums’ reviews of Independence Market
50% discount for Local Mums
Check out this great service out at, choose a meal and enter ‘Get me dinner!’ at the checkout for a 50% discount!
Robert Hocking
Independence Market
Tel: 07854 152129
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