Local Mum Louise Upchurch is the founder of the Re:FreshFood campaign, ‘all about fresh food and fresh ideas on food.' Louise blogs for us about local food and why she started campaigning

Re:Fresh Food is about fresh food, local food, simple food and easy food. I may fall under the ‘foodie’ category but no squid ink recipes to worry about here. It is also about getting us to re think our attitudes towards food and the way we cook, eat, buy, share and view food.
Food is important to us all, we can’t go without it and whether we enjoy it or not cooking is a necessity of life especially with children. I wonder if like me you have often stared into the depths of the fridge searching for inspiration among the wilted lettuce and slightly past-it carrots? Have you also sighed when emptying said fridge as your good intentions for using fresh ingredients get thrown into the kitchen bin yet again?

This campaign is borne out of my own frustrations with trying to find healthy, fresh, tasty, quick and easy recipes to cook for my family while still maintaining a job, household and a child. It is borne out of a desire to support my local community and local businesses to ensure we get to keep them, to be more conscious of how I am feeding myself and my family and the impact that fresh food and cooking from scratch can have on our holistic wellbeing.

I am not pitching myself as any sort of expert here - I am just a Local Mum, forging a path and hoping others will join with me. I am going to be sharing my own experiences (eventually, I hope that you will all share yours with me too!), trial and error recipes and the best places to get locally sourced fresh food. I will be highlighting local businesses and producers and showing how easy it is to buy local and support local. Also, local initiatives, charity organisations and groups who encourage us to eat well, live well, share our food with those in need and avoid food waste.
I want to keep my food costs low, my recipes simple, my time spent in the kitchen short and my food waste to a minimum. I expect a lot of you feel the same way?

In this campaign, there will be pledges to sign up to about using locally produced food, eating seasonal foods, dumping the junk and sharing food with others.
So my question is… are you up for the challenge? Will you join me on the journey?
Follow my blog on Local Mums Online!
You can also find me on:
Twitter : https://twitter.com/ReFreshfood @refreshfood
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Refreshfoodcampaign/
Instagram @refreshfoodcampaign
Medium : https://medium.com/@ReFreshfood