Therapists from local clinic the Aston Clinic give their advice on stopping smoking

We all have habits, and some are so well ingrained that they feel like they are part of us. Trying to change any habits can cause disruption and personal distress.
If you are a smoker it can feel as though your habit is here to stay. Giving up smoking can feel like and impossible task. Even terrifying statistics don’t seem enough to motivate you to quit
For example, its common knowledge that:
About half of all smokers will die as a result of their habit
Smokers in their 30s and 40s have five times the amount of heart attacks
40 cigarettes a day costs approximately 5850 pounds per year
When many smokers read facts like these their first reaction is not to give up but to light one up!
How can this be?
Everyone knows that the drug nicotine makes smoking addictive. This is not the real reason that smoking is hard to give up. Kicking nicotine addiction is about as unpleasant as having a cold and after less than three weeks the addiction to nicotine is over. Most smokers have given up for more than three weeks and then started again.
Why does this happen?
Smoking is habit forming – the nagging need for nicotine gives us hundreds of little triggers that remind us it is time have another cigarette. When the addiction has gone these triggers remain. It is these triggers and cravings they cause that make quitting forever so difficult. This is also why people who try using nicotine gum or patches still crave for a cigarette.
Some common triggers are: stress, tea breaks and social drinking. Heavier smokers have triggers like answering the phone or getting out of a car or a bus. It is the habit that connects these activities with having a cigarette. Hypnosis can break that connection, removing the trigger that leads to the craving. This is why hypnosis has been proven to be the most effective anti-smoking treatment available. It directly addresses the psychological triggers and cravings that make quitting so difficult.
If you really want to give up smoking then hypnosis and NLP combined is your answer. The treatment lasts for two hours and it is calming, relaxing and an empowering experience.
We are a highly trained experienced and dedicated team whose primary concern is the health of our clients.
For more information on this contact Sarah Hall on 0208 9423148 at the Aston Clinic or email