Would you like to help researchers at The University of Roehampton understand the relationship between children’s emotions and gut microbiota and receive a £60 Amazon vouchers?

Do you have a child aged 2-6? Are you interested in the links between emotion regulation and gut microbiota in children? Would you like to receive a £60 Amazon voucher?
Researchers at The University of Roehampton are looking for mothers of children aged 2-6 years to take part in a research project that aims to assess the associations between emotion regulation and gut microbiota in in 2-6-year-olds.
First, you will be required to complete some questionnaires (assessing your and your child's mood and behaviour) online.
Then, the researchers will send you gut microbiome kits for free and ask you to collect and send them your child's stool sample and answer a few questions about your child's diet.
You will be sent a £60 worth Amazon gift card code after completion of both phases.
For more details about how to participate click here

Dr Piril Hepsomali (She/Her), PhD, FHEA
Lecturer in Psychology
School of Psychology
University of Roehampton | London | SW15 4JD
Email: P.Hepsomali@roehampton.ac.uk