Coping with stress and anxiety

Local Mum and holistic therapist Evi Achillea offers her advice about stress and anxiety

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Dear Local Mums,

I was reading a post last night from a Local Mum about anxiety and stress and it made me think I would like to share some information and recommendations to deal with it as, unfortunately, anxiety is part of our busy and stressful lives as mothers, even more so in these difficult times of  lockdown.

What is stress ? What is the cause of stress? The effects of stress and treatment of stress.
Stress can be described as anything, mental physical or environmental in origin, which disturbs the normal equilibrium of the body. A mismatch between perceived demands, and perceived abilities to cope.

It is the balance between how we view demands and how we can cope with these demands that determines whether we feel no stress, "distressed" or “eustress" (beneficial stress).

Stress occurs when our lives become unbalanced and therefore unhealthy. In can be caused due to various factors called “stressors” and can be environmental, chemical, personal, workload, financial reasons or family commitments.

When a person is stressed out there are lots of mental and physical signs like: feeling distressed, tearful, bored, loss of interest in self appearance, tired, fatigued, feeling faint, general muscle aches and pains, cramps, headaches, frequent illnesses such as colds, sweating, cold hands and feet, feeling aggressive, angry and many other emotions.

When stressed - physically or psychologically - the body suddenly shifts its energy recourses to fighting off the perceived threat affecting all the body systems and various occurring diseases which over a long period can be terminal.

Our stress style
Our stress style is developed through the course of our lives, partly as learned behaviour. Re-learning the ability to relax is important and we can achieve that by:

- Recognising the stressors in your life

- Deciding that you want to do something about it 

- Addressing all aspects 

- Taking better control of your working life

- Using leisure time more effectively and reserving time for your family and friends

- Learning to relax, as relaxation produces a biochemical change in the brain which enables the mind, body and spirit to balance.

- Taking up a hobby 

There are numerous natural treatments nowadays to choose from to help us to "unlearn" and therefore improving our ability to deal directly with sources of stress and keep stress levels around the normal zone:

Try aromatherapy treatments at home or (when you are able) holistic/therapeutic massage, known as the oldest healing art. Massage can help long term stress sufferers. Any relaxing massage may help switch the body from a state of stress to relaxation, help reduce the effects of stress on the body and ease the transition from a body in state of stress to a body in a state of relaxation.

Have a good look at your diet and establish a healthy eating which includes lots of water, fruits, vegetables and natural source of vitamins  potassium and minerals. Avoid fatty and sugary foods.

Are you getting enough sleep? Adequate sleep is vital for our well-being as sleep enables our body to repair and heal itself.

Last but not least..!
Smile a little more often and respond positively to others. Do something for others without hope for reward. Develop a sense of fun and the ability to laugh.


Evi Achillea,
Handy Therapies

For more information or advice, please contact:
Evi Achillea 
Handy Therapies
Tel: 07528337068

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