A baby and parenting counselling service is launching in our area to give parents the confidence to feel calm and empowered in their new role.

Baby Confidence is a new baby and parenting counselling service lead by Paediatric Nurse Emily Pocock, providing bespoke, evidence-based parenting support. Following attachment and instinctive parenting approaches, Baby Confidence encourages calm, confident parents and aims to create a happy family environment.
"We appreciate that you are your baby’s expert,” explains Baby Confidence founder Emily. “But sometimes it helps having access to non-judgemental support from someone who will listen, answer questions and troubleshoot.”
Emily has 10 years’ experience working with children and their families, as a Qualified Paediatric Nurse and Health Visitor. She has also undergone further training in Behaviour Change, Coaching, Baby Massage and Attachment.
Knowledge and skills
Prior to qualifying as a Paediatric Nurse, Emily worked as a House Parent, in a respite home for children with complex needs and life limiting conditions. “I still practice in this area,” says Emily, "providing nursing at home care for children with complex and special needs."
After finishing her nurse training, Emily practiced as a Paediatric Nurse at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Children’s Hospital. She rotated around the hospital and worked in a number of different specialities. She continues to maintain her skills in this area and actively works as a paediatric nurse. She recognises the benefit to families, continuously maintaining her knowledge and skills.
Following on from Guy’s and St Thomas’ Emily trained as a Health Visitor and gained a 1st in Public Health BSc. Health Visitors are specialised nurses or midwives trained to meet the needs of families with a baby/child aged 0-5 years old. "Due to caseloads being frequently over 500 families for one Health Visitor, it’s difficult for them to provide many of the things they are trained in,” explains Emily. "It’s common that many families rarely see the Health Visitor or even know what one is.”
Specialised support
Emily aims to deliver bespoke, specialised support which allows he to utilise all her skills. "For over three years I have delivered an intense home visiting programme called the Family Nurse Partnership,” says Emily. "This was a parenting programme for vulnerable young parents. Evidence shows that improved parental attachment enhances child brain development in a strength based way, by using motivational interviewing."
Emily gained a considerable amount of expertise from this job, learning that parents want to do the best for their infant, but are frequently overwhelmed. Baby Confidence was born as a result, giving every parent the opportunity to tap into their inner expert.
“I’ll help you become your baby’s expert, where an attachment parenting approach and instinctive parenting results in a happy family,” says Emily.
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Emily Pocock,
Baby Counsellor
Baby Confidence
Tel: 07919080400
Email: emilypocock@baby-confidence.co.uk
Baby Confidence on Facebook