Getting your figure back after your baby is born is never easy, especially when you can’t take your baby to the gym. Exercising outside with baby is the perfect solution, and with other mums - it can be fun too!

Groups of mums and buggies doing exercises in the parks have become as familiar a sight as children feeding the ducks. But now Legs Bums & Mums has a new leader for its hugely popular classes for mums in the park.
Legs Bums & Mums, started by Local Mums' post-natal fitness expert Jo Cullen has been taken over by our very own Maria Holley, Fitness Editor of Local Mums Online!
Keeping it local
"I'm thrilled to be taking over this prestigious and successful fitness company," says Maria, who attended Jo Cullen’s classes at Westcroft leisure centre herself when she first had her babies.
"Jo gave me lots of advice when I became interested in a careeer in fitness and has been like a mentor to me," adds Maria. "Her classes are hugely successful and I am over the moon to be able to work with such a great programme and with such lovely clients! Both Jo and I are really pleased that the classes will continue with a Local Mum leading them too."
Perfect for new mums
"Mums want to exercise but childcare is expensive," explains Maria. "Legs Bums & Mums is a good opportunity to meet other local mums and give your baby some fresh air while getting back in shape."
"When you have just had a baby, you are pretty exhausted," adds Maria. "One hour of exercise in the fresh air will make you feel so much better and help you to get through the day."
"I feel health and fitness has really changed my life in a very positive way," says Maria. "I am passionate about helping others to achieve their fitness goals."
Maria's classes
Maria’s buggy classes are a specially designed for women from six weeks after giving birth or 10 weeks if you have had a caesarean. They are a total body workout using an interval based approach, stopping at various points in the park to combine upper and lower body strengthening exercises.
Maria also uses resistance bands (of varying strengths) instead of heavy weights, which she says is a more suitable approach to tone and strengthen muscles after giving birth.
Maria, who also runs Bootcamp classes, says: "Always check that your instructor is CRB checked and carries the right accreditation and insurance."
Maria is a level 3 personal trainer with qualifications in ante and post natal fitness, sports conditioning, outdoor fitness, nutrition for exercise and exercise to music. She is currently taking bookings for Buggy Sessions in Queen's Park, Caterham; Beddington Park, Wallington and Priory Park, Reigate and your first session is free.
Maria is also running a half hour Legs Bums & Mums taster session at the NCT baby show in Croydon on Saturday, 20th October 2012 between 12:15 – 12:45 at Trinity School, Shirley Park, Croydon CR9 7AT
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For more information, please contact Maria Holley:
Legs Bums & Mums
Tel: 07860144051