Local Mum and Pilates teacher Bettina became interested in baby massage after discovering the benefits with her own baby. She now helps local parents learn about the joys of massage

Local Mum Bettina, a qualified Pilates teacher and 'To Baby and Beyond' qualified Baby Massage instructor, decided to launch her own baby massage classes in our area, Baby Massage With Bettina, after discovering the benefits with her own baby.
"I am very interested in how touch affects the relationship we have with our children," says Bettina whose daughter Molly was born last year. "It has proven positive benefits - not just when they are babies - but the foundations it lays for a life-long bond between individuals."
Special moments
"When my daughter Molly was a baby I brought her to baby massage classes," explains Bettina. "It has given me so many lovely memories and special moments with her that I decided I want to share what I know and encourage other parents and their infants to experience the joy of baby massage."
"Molly was born in July 2012 so she is a toddler now but I still massage her when she allows me to!" adds Bettina. Bettina is also a qualified Body Control Pilates teacher and she teaches parents some gentle Pilates exercises after each session.
Massage is a way of communicating directly with your baby through loving touch. The massage is done with your baby, not to your baby. "Massage has been used for millennia in Eastern cultures and infant massage has been practiced for centuries in many parts of the world," says Bettina.
Affectionate communication
The Association of Infant Massage was founded by Vimala Schneider McLure after a stay in India in 1973. While there she worked in an orphanage where she became aware of the soothing effects of baby massage and how it provided important non-verbal affectionate communication.
Spurred on by her experiences and memories, she brought the Indian techniques of infant massage back to America and combined it with Swedish massage, Chinese reflexogy and yoga. She wrote the book "Infant Massage - A Handbook for Loving Parents" and her massage routines are now being taught and practiced in many countries.
So if you would like to discover the many benefits of massage for you and your baby in a friendly and relaxed
atmosphere, why not give Local Mum Bettina a call?
Read Local Mums reviews of Baby Massage With Bettina
For more information contact:
Bettina Idberg-Corr
Baby Massage With Bettina
Tel: 074 1232 5353
Email: babymassagewithbettina@gmail.com