MyShowcase products are so easy to sell because they are amazing. We find out why Local Mum Nicole Baker loves her new business so much.

You’re invited to a party a friend is hosting. You want to see your friend and have a much-needed drink but you know you’ll have to buy a product out of politeness. It's probably something you didn’t need and can’t really afford. It’s a bittersweet joy and we’ve all been there.
When I was invited to my good friend Anna’s MyShowcase party I was delighted. I knew it would be a fantastic evening with great company, great wine and lots of laughs. But along with the slight trepidation about the hangover I would surely have the next day I feared for my bank balance and my bulging make up bag. One would be emptier and the other fuller; not in the order I would like either.
Should I really buy another product I didn’t need and may never use?
Fast forward a couple of weeks to a Friday evening and I’m sat at my beautiful friend’s house, a glass of bubbly in hand, surrounded by a group of lovely ladies. Nicole Baker (pictured above) is warming up to give her talk about MyShowcase and my eyes have already lighted on the gorgeous looking products around her. It’s clear that this is not going to be like the product parties I’ve been to before.
Luxurious products
Nicole is brilliant at her job. That’s why she has won awards and is the third most successful MyShowcase independent stylist in the country. I know Nicole from when she worked at Pampered Chef and I could listen to her do her sales pitch all day. She is incredibly talented and it’s a joy to watch someone do something they are good at and passionate about. But Pampered Chef was never really my thing; I like luxurious products that make me feel good rather than make me think about the cooking I have to do every day for my family.
I’m quite picky about beauty items and prepared to pay top dollar for products I know are good like Clarins, YSL and Clinique (usually duty free so I can afford them). But MyShowcase products tick all the boxes and more. They are fantastic quality, they *work* (most important criteria in my book) and the packaging is so sumptuous it feels like a fabulous treat, really lifting your day when you receive them. Instead of buying my one product out of politeness at Anna’s party I bought four, spent much more than I intended to and I still had to hold myself back.

When the products arrived a couple of days later I felt the same trepidation of old. Was I drunk? Will I hate myself for wasting money on products I don’t need? Au contraire. When I recieved my beautifully-presented, pink-ribboned parcel I was over the Moon. The quality was even better than I thought through my Prosecco-tinted glasses and I kicked myself for not buying more of them. I use them all the time and will be restocking when they have run out.
Proof’s in the pudding
Here’s the final test for me. When I received my second invitation to a MyShowcase party from another lovely friend, Caroline Brown (who was also impressed at Anna’s party), my heart skipped a beat. More MyShowcase products, yipeee! No trepidation, just joy...
…until I realised it was the same day as an opening party which another friend Tracy Carrol was hosting and I’d already RSVPd to. That sinking feeling in my stomach that I would be missing the MyShowcase party made me realise just how good those MyShowcase products really are…
Fast forward another couple of weeks and I’m back having lunch in Carshalton with the lovely Nicole and asking her when the next MyShowcase party is. I cannot wait to get my hands on another pink bow parcel!
Read Local Mums’ reviews of MyShowcase and find out how you can run your own business like Nicole
Nicole Baker
Area Stylist Director
Tel: 07985 436561
Nicole’s MyShowcase on Facebook