Starting your own business with no risk, a support team and fabulous products sounds too good to be true, but here’s one Carshalton Mum who has done just that.

When Nicole Baker was pregnant with her first baby she was keen to be able to be there for her children when they were young. However, like many mums she soon found that working outside the home would mean sacrificing precious time with her children as they were growing up. Nicole wondered if she would ever be able to do a job that would fit round her children and earn her a decent income.
Fast forward three years and Nicole has found the job of her dreams. As a consultant with The Pampered Chef Nicole is earning a regular income for her family. Just seven months after she started she can already afford to take her sister on holiday for her 40th birthday treat. “I never thought I would be able to earn so much money while being a Stay at Home Mum!” says Nicole, who is a Carshalton Mum of Stanley, 3, and Joseph, 21 months.
We asked Nicole to tell us a bit more about her dream job:
CM: Nicole, how did you become a Pampered Chef consultant?
Nicole: A girlfriend invited me to her Kitchen Show. I fell in love with the products immediately and I realised how well it would fit around my family. I thought I’d give it go. Seven months later I can honestly say it is the best job I have ever had!”
CM: How often do you work?
Nicole: It depends on what’s going on in my life! As I’m my own boss I work as much or as little as I want to (thankfully there are no scary sales targets to meet). I still have Joseph at home with me while Stanley goes to nursery in the mornings (which is generally my office time). I normally do two Kitchen Shows a week, which tend to be in the evenings. I work less in the school holidays.
CM: How does the job fit around your family life?
Nicole: Pampered Chef is an incredibly flexible business. I feel really fortunate that I came across it at the right time in my life. It has enabled me to be a “Stay at Home Mum” while growing a really exciting and rewarding business. My boys come first and I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on any of that precious time while they are little. I don’t have to ask anyone for time off when they’re sick and I can go to nursery events like the Easter Parade without having to negotiate with colleagues. I can’t imagine any other job fitting more perfectly around my young family.
CM: How much time do you commit?
Nicole: It really is up to me. Some consultants do two Kitchen Shows a month and some do 10! If you have between four and eight hours spare a week you could consider becoming a consultant.
CM: Where do you carry out your work?
Nicole: Pampered Chef is a Direct Sales Company selling top quality kitchen tools and equipment by demonstrating a very simple recipe at a Kitchen Show. Our hosts book a show which takes place in their own homes. There are no “regions” or “areas” for you to work in so you can travel wherever you want to. Personally, I tend to work within an hour’s drive of my own home.
CM: How much space do you need to have?
Nicole: As we don’t hold any stock (all the products ordered are delivered from Pampered Chef straight to the host who then distributes them to her guests) you really don’t need a huge space for your business. Just room for a couple of crates of products (I keep mine in the cupboard under the stairs) and a computer with Internet access for doing the ordering.
CM: Do you need a car?
Nicole: I think you do, as there’s a certain amount of travelling around involved, but I know of one lady who doesn’t drive; her husband drops her off at the Kitchen Shows and she normally gets a lift home from one of the guests!
CM: Do you advertise?
Nicole: Pampered Chef as a company doesn’t advertise, although there’s nothing to stop consultants doing so individually. I’ve never done it myself as I’ve always found that my “hosts” are the best advertisement for my business. The company gives so many free products away as a “thank you” for hosting a Kitchen Show, so it’s easy to get bookings. As there is such a great incentive, I often have repeat business as well.
CM: Do you get support/training?
Nicole: The training and support we have is fantastic, both corporately and from your own local team. There is on-going training, monthly meetings, newsletters and individual business mentoring. It doesn’t cost anything and it’s up to you how much of it you attend. (Obviously the more you do the more successful your business will be). We also attend two conferences a year where you get the most wonderful training and advice. Although Pampered Chef is still in its infancy over here we have the benefit of over 30 years of experience from the company in the United States, so it’s like having the best of both worlds. We have a freephone number to our UK Support Services where the staff are amazingly helpful.
CM: Are there any downsides?
Nicole: Because you can set your own pace it’s hard to really think of any downsides. I love the way that there’s room for anyone. There are no leaflet drops or catalogues to deliver, no stock to hold (and nothing is ever out of stock) or inventories to manage. All the ordering is done on-line so there isn’t a huge amount of paperwork. I really like the way Pampered Chef have kept everything as simple as possible. We even have an incentive trip each year, and It’s five star luxury all the way! This year I have the opportunity for both my partner and I to go to Venice and board a luxury yacht to Croatia. What’s not to like?!
CM: Would you recommend this opportunity to other mums?
Nicole: Without hesitation! It works so well around having a family that it really is the perfect job for mums. I think other mums would appreciate the way I absolutely love what I do. I have a lot of fun doing my job, which is important when you are a mum! Our jobs as mums are hard enough - we need to have fun too!
When I started with the Pampered Chef I needed a job; I had an amount of money that I needed to earn every month to make ends meet. But it has turned out to be so much more than that. This business has provided a regular income for my family and it has also allowed me to treat my kids and take my sister away for her birthday.
The confidence this job has given me and so many other mums has been amazing. I was always very safe in my career but trying this new life has made me realise that I can achieve anything I put my mind to. You just have to give it a go! You’ve got nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain...
Find out more about The Pampered Chef and read other Carshalton Mums‘ reviews
Nicole is currently looking for other mums to join her team. If you are interested in this role, or would like more information, contact Nicole on:
Tel: 07985 436561
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