Local Mum Sarah Francis set up her bookkeeping company Prime Numbers three years ago and hasn’t looked back. As a mumpreneur, she is ideally placed to help other mums with their businesses too.

When Carshalton Mum Sarah Francis quit her job in accounting after the birth of her first baby to set up her bookkeeping business she wasn’t sure what to expect.
Three years and one more baby later and she hasn’t looked back. “I love working for myself,” says Sarah, whose Carshalton-based business Prime Numbers helps small and medium local businesses with their accounts. “I really enjoy helping local, family-run businesses make a success of their finances and feeling part of the local community.”
Sarah has found childcare much easier since she left her office job at the big accounting firm Price Waterhouse Cooper. “I realized after my year’s maternity leave that commuting into central London and corporate life was not going to work with a baby around,” explains Sarah, mum to Sean (four) and Henry (10 months).
“I am now able to be much more flexible with my childcare arrangements and I’m never far away from my children,” continues Sarah. “This peace of mind allows me to concentrate on the companies I look after and really give them 100%.”
Working from home means that Sarah can devote all the time necessary to her clients and work flexibly with them. She is more than happy to see mums in their own homes or have them come to her, bringing little ones with them if they need to.
“With two boys under five I am very used to small children!” says Sarah. “It’s no problem if my clients have their kids with them when I do a consultation. As a business owner with a young family, I understand how tough it can be to juggle all demands on mums’ time. This is why I offer a friendly and flexible bookkeeping and accountancy service.”
Sarah now has many local, family-run businesses on her books and is keen to offer her services to Carshalton mumpreneurs too.
“I have started attending the ‘Carshalton Mumpreneurs’ meetings every month and I am pleased to be now helping one of the organizers with her accounts!” says Sarah.
“The mums I have met at the group are all really interesting with many different ideas for businesses,” adds Sarah. “It’s not easy to start a business with children to look after too, so it’s a real pleasure to help these fellow mumpreneurs make a success of their new ventures.”
If you are a mumpreneur or are thinking about starting a business – or maybe your partner needs help with his bookkeeping – why not give Sarah a call and let a friendly local mum with all the financial skills you need help you get your accounts in order?
Read Carshalton Mums’ reviews of Prime Numbers.
Contact Sarah Francis on 0208 395 9516 or 07961 455970
Alternatively send her an email at info@prime-numbers.biz

This article was first published on www.carshaltonmums.com