Local Mum and Hartbeeps owner Laura is excited to be taking over the Hartbeeps classes in Banstead and is offering Local Mums membes a free trial

Hartbeeps is the class with it all! Laura local mum and Hartbeeps owner is excited to be taking over the Hartbeeps classes in Banstead and Kingwood from September and as a welcome to the classes and Local Mums members can now book your free trial here.

Trying to decide which class to do with your little one? The good news is you get more with Hartbeeps! With three different classes split by development stage, we offer everything from baby massage and yoga, through to school readiness to best support your little one. Join Local Mum Laura on a magical musical journey, with original storytelling and themes, hundreds of props, hilarious dress up and a beautiful light to finish all our classes. Run by fully-trained (and fabulous!) Imaginators you’ll get to do a bit of everything each week giving you and your baby a truly special bonding experience and memories you’ll treasure forever.
"Thank you for providing us with the best baby classes. We have a truly magical time at each session and it is both mummy's and my, special and happy place. It has made mummy's maternity leave with me even more special and we have made some lovely memories. We cannot wait for the next Term to start!" Freddie Baby Bells and Local Mum Victoria.
Laura Stevens
Tel: 07535641365