Local Mums recommend the best childcare consultancies in our area
"I highly recommend Charlotte & Louise to all Local Mums. When it is your first child it is very daunting; there is so much advice around and so much being sold for babies that you don't know where to start. So with that in mind I contacted Charlotte & Louise. I found their service extremely professional right from the get go. I felt confident in the knowledge that my consultant was qualified to the highest degree and with much experience. Their service helped me feel organised and relaxed. The consultants have since helped to guide me through even more milestones, including weaning and more recently, sleep routines. I cannot thank Charlotte & Louise advisory service any more for everything they have done to help us become happy, confident parents.”
Sarah, Local Mum
"I recommend Charlotte & Louise to Local Mums. Charlotte & Louise were a great asset with the twins nutrition. As a parent I felt unsure about how to progress on to the next stage of weaning. They helped us by introducing new foods and meals in a way that the twins responded to positively. Charlotte & Louise have very good knowledge and professional experience which complemented our parental intuition. Working with them was a very positive experience."
Caline, Local Mum
Charlotte & Louise
At Charlotte & Louise we believe that every family and every child is unique. We are a bespoke advisory service offering tailored support to parents, enabling them to bring out the best in their children, through the positive application of their newly acquired skills knowledge and intuition.
Back in 2006 we attended Norland College to train as Professional Nannies. Our combined experience spans over ten years. Our knowledge and practical experience varies from working with private families, schools, and associations including TAMBA (Twins and Multiple Births Association).
We are passionate about sharing our skills and knowledge we have acquired to equip parents with the confidence to deal with daily challenges today’s family face in this modern, fast moving and exciting world.
We believe that a child's early formative years should be one of the most enjoyable times in their lives.
We passionately believe that the key to good parenting is love, confidence and consistency; and with our well thought out action plans, practical workshops, and confidential advice, we aim to provide all families with the confidence and new ideas that suit them as a whole.
Charlotte Scarbrow and Louise Garvey
Tel: 07814872419
Email: charlotteandlouiseltd@gmail.com
Charlotte & Louise
Instagram: @charlotteandlouise
Twitter: @babynatter
Pinterest: @charlotteandlouise