Would you like to supplement your household income, or really make a go of your own business? Here are some local parents who have done both.
“After three months working for Forever Living Products I already have my own business partners. I am already making decent money and my business does not stop growing."
Paula Duarte, Local Mum of Erica, aged 12 months
"I came across Forever Living Products and heard of the Clean 9 Detox and Nutri-Lean Weight Management Programs, in January earlier this year. I started with the Clean 9 Detox exactly 9 days before my wedding day, and lost an incredible 16 ½ lbs along with 18 ½ inches from my body. I couldn’t believe it - I felt absolutely amazing on my big day too!"
Leila Ali, Local Mum
What is it about this business that attracts so many women…and men?
Well it’s really not that hard to understand once you get to know the huge advantages to Network Marketing. To say that is one of the most popular ways of doing business is an understatement. To be able to build a lucrative business in a hugely growing market whilst holding down a full time job can only be described as a blessing. Seriously. And to think that you can build it anywhere you go around the world thanks to our Global Market Place. It is not uncommon to be earning £1200-£2000+ per month and that is doing just 5-10 hours a week although you can start by doing just 2 hours a week and build from there.
It’s like having your own shop and hiring someone else to work for you without paying them. They will have to work their shop in order to get paid. Along with that comes “Recognition” and “Promotion” which leads to a “Pay rise” based on your performance not for length of service or favouritism.
Touch wood, but what if the worst happened? People say “it will never happen to me” but the truth is, it might. You just never know so why not guard yourself against it?
What’s in it for you, your husband and your kids?
-If you decided to do this, you can actually get your husband out of his job (and it happens a lot).
-You all get to spend more “precious time” together as a family.
-We offer a “Willable income” which means that when we get too old or pass on to the other side, the business we have built and the income generated from this, goes to our children for years to come. This is unheard of in any business.
-“Financial security” that is second to none. Building a sustainable income that allows you and your family to be totally free and offers wonderful “Peace of Mind”.
-You know how singers and authors get paid every time their song is played or book is sold? Well we have the same thing, it’s called “Royalty income” which means you get paid even while you sleep or on holiday or whatever else you are doing. Remember what was mentioned about “should the worst happen” well this is that “Safe Guard”.
There is a lot more to our company that meets the eye and it delivers more than you would have imagined and way beyond your expectations.
Network Marketing offers a simple solution
Where else would you get fantastic award winning training (Investors in People Gold and Champion awards), support from people who want to help you succeed? Where you don’t need experience because we train, coach and support you till you get there and best of all the training is FREE.
The people in our business range from Doctors, Lawyers, Bankers, Estate Agents, Business owners, CEOs, Property Developers. House wives, Teachers, Managers, Graduates, all people related to fitness of all types, Beauticians, Military, Hair Dressers, Police officers, people who had no confidence or self esteem in fact we have so many different people from all backgrounds in Forever. Their lives have been dramatically changed because of Forever. Imagine what it could do for you.
The greatest opportunity in the world…
Controlling your own financial destiny makes almost anything you want in life possible. If your job or career isn't taking you where you want to go, Forever Living Products offers a great opportunity to change your course!
What have you got to lose?!
What's more important than earning more money? Time. More specifically, time to do the things you enjoy most with family and friends. The effort you put into your FLP business NOW will be returned many times over as the sales from your team of distributors help provide you with the time and income to live the kind of life you want. Forever Living has all the tools you need to succeed:
- Quality products
- Excellent support staff
- Great sales and marketing tools
- Training seminars
- Distributor incentives and bonuses
- Extensive company website and personal distributor websites
- Willable income so any money that is generated from the business can be left to dependents for years to come.
We have taken care of the research and development, market research, packaging, distribution, marketing, and paperwork for you. All you have to do is share these proven quality products with your customers, and you will have created your very own business!
For more information, contact:
Sheldon Lee Tebbutt
International Recruiter- Business Builder/Mentor/Trainer
Tel: 0203 137 5063
Mob: 07834709541
Email: foreversheldon@yahoo.co.uk
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