Performing Arts Schools

Local Mums recommend the best performing arts schools in our area

PQA Sutton Digital Flyer A52

"I highly recommended PQA Sutton to Local Mums. Before my daughter started at PQA Sutton, she was really shy and kept to herself a lot. Since joining the Green Group, her confidence has skyrocketed! It’s amazing to see how much she’s come out of her shell. The team at PQA Sutton has been fantastic in helping her feel comfortable and encouraging her to be herself. I’m so proud of the progress she’s made and I’m thrilled to see her enjoying herself so much!”
Bridget, Local Mum

"I recommended PQA Sutton to Local Mums. My daughter started attending PQA Sutton at the beginning of this year and she’s absolutely loving it so far. The staff are all very friendly and she’s made a lot of new friends. One of the highlights for me was watching her perform on stage at the recent show — I was incredibly proud!”
Abba, Local Mum

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PQA Sutton
Step through the doors of our academies and discover the wonderful world of performing arts. Our project-based learning approach in musical theatre, film and drama nurtures skills for stage, screen, and the everyday scene.

Our exciting creative projects and performance experiences, run by our specialist teachers, allow your child to take on fun new challenges, learn and feel good even when they make mistakes.


From performing on a West End stage and your local theatre, screening their short films and experiencing masterclasses run by industry specialists. PQA Sutton offers an unrivalled breadth of learning opportunities, allowing young performers, actors and filmmakers to create their own work, whilst being guided by our expert teachers. 

Our academy offers a safe and inclusive place for young people to discover their strengths, grow in creativity and develop skills to grow into confident adults. We’re all about celebrating the individual and we pride ourselves on helping young people discover and develop their amazing self. 

September 23rd #30

Local Mums Discount
Click the link below to try a full FREE session at PQA Sutton 

Pauline Quirke Academy - Sutton 

PQA Sutton
Tel: 0800 531 6282  

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