Local Mums recommend the best vegan and sustainable meal services in our area

“I highly recommend Truli to Local Mums. We really enjoyed the food! I shared my meal with my husband. He doesn't usually eat vegan dishes but was pleasantly surprised at how filling and tasty the Truli meals were. He said the food looked fresh like I myself had been the one to cook them.”
Daisy, Local Mum

Truli is a new local and sustainable meal service. We deliver to Richmond, Kingston, Teddington, Twickenham and surrounding areas.
Our purpose is to reduce waste and help people feel happy and healthy. Our meals are vegan, and delivered in reusable bowls which we collect for free. No more overflowing bins! Our chefs are nutrition specialists who make wonderful vegan meals which keep you full for longer. Our ingredients are fresh, local, and seasonal.
Truli meals are ready to heat & eat in the oven or microwave. No cooking required! Take a few nights a week off from cooking, and enjoy the benefits of a nutritious filling meal which is good for your health and the planet.
Local Mums Discount
We want Local Mums' feedback, so we are offering a £20 shop voucher when you use the code MARCH22 during checkout. Help a local business off the ground by placing an order and sharing your thoughts.
Kaisa Lepajoe
Email: kaisa@truli.co.uk