Antenatal and Hypnobirthing classes

Local Mums recommend the best Antenatal and Hypnobirthing teachers in our area

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"I highly recommend The Positive Birth Midwife to local mums. I was living abroad when I had my first child and I was worried about how to access antenatal education in English. Through my video consultations I was able to take advantage of the wealth of knowledge that Rosie has. She helped me understand what hypnobirthing truly is, but also gave me lots of practical advice for pregnancy, birth and the 4th trimester. But the biggest thing Rosie gave me was the confidence and belief in myself that I could birth my baby naturally and that it would be the most incredible experience of my life. It really was the best thing I've ever done. I wouldn't have been able to do it without her support.

"Unlike other hypnobirthing experts that I considered, Rosie can draw on almost a decade of experience, working as a midwife in the NHS. Therefore she could confidently answer all my questions around pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period.

"Every pregnant woman needs to have someone like Rosie to help them truly believe that labour is not something to fear, but rather something to train for (mentally and physically), get excited about and remember forever as the most wonderful thing to have done. 

"I would recommend Rosie's services because she provides more than just hypnobirthing training. All women are different and Rosie has the midwifery and hypnobirthing experience to enable all women to have a positive birth - whatever that looks like to them. Rosie has exceptional communication and organisational skills. You can tell that she views her role in women's lives a huge privilege and responsibility."
Lucy, Local Mum

"I recommend The Positive Birth Midwife to local mums. I first contacted Rosie when I was considering a home birth. As a first time mum, I loved the idea, but was naturally nervous of the 'non medical' approach. Rosie discussed it at length with me, but in a completely unbiased manner which helped me make my own decision rather than being pushed one way or another. She also followed up our conversations with useful and well informed information leaflets and articles for me to read in my own time. I trusted Rosie implicitly, her knowledge of pregnancy and birth is second to none and she has the most calming and reassuring manner. I found the hypnobirthing a really useful tool. Her support during the pregnancy was excellent and the after care was fantastic too. Thank you!”
Ally, Local Mum

"I highly recommend The Positive Birth Midwife to local mums. Rosie is a gift for anyone planning, having or had a child.  I was fortunate enough to have her at the birth of my daughter and her calmness helped me cope with an ever changing situation. She is the most gentle caring person and someone who I would trust my life with. When I knew I was having my second child I immediately called Rosie as I couldn’t do it without her. She was with me pre baby, during the birth and afterwards with an abundance of knowledge, helpful advice and reassurance. She really is one of a kind."
Claire, Local Mum

"I recommend The Positive Birth Midwife to local mums. I am expecting my first child next month and am actually looking forward to the birth. Rosie has given me loads of advice, helped me to make decisions about where to have my baby and feel confident in my choice to labour at home and have a home birth. She has been so knowledgeable, she's very professional and she has really empowered me via the information she's provided about the labour and birth process. She's also helped me with tips about colostrum harvesting, perineal massage and helped with advice when I've been confused about my midwifery information. When I tell people I'm having a home birth they are often really surprised, and I feel really unusual to have the confidence that I have in my birth plans. Most people seem to be terrified which I think is really sad and I'm really grateful to have the information and confidence that Rosie has provided.”
Jules, Local Mum

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The Positive Birth Midwife
Giving birth matters. In my 13 years of experience as a midwife I've learned a thing or two about birth. It's one of, if not, the most defining moment of parenthood and it shapes the parent you will become. After all the birth of a new baby brings a new mother and new father. When it doesn't go well, the repercussions can affect us life-long. Mothers, fathers, couples and babies. 

Hi, I'm Rosie Murphy and I'm a midwife, hypnobirthing teacher and a mum of two. Nothing gives me greater delight than seeing the ecstatic face of a mother who has had a positive birth. Empowering her to negotiate the rollercoaster of new parenthood with confidence and faith in her instinctive parenting capabilities fills me with joy. It's kept me going during times of unprecedented challenges for the midwifery workforce. 

That's why I want to share my knowledge and experience with as many couples as I can. I want to empower every woman/ couple to have a positive birth. I've learned that the (not so) secret recipe is confidence (self belief), taking ownership of your birth (knowledge to make informed decisions) and a strategy for keeping calm and comfortable (hypnobirthing). I teach all of this in my birth preparation classes and also include essential information on infant feeding and early days with your new baby.

I offer private sessions, group sessions and refresher classes for couples who have used hypnobirthing in the past.

Get in touch today to see how I can help you.

Rosie Murphy
The Positive Birth Midwife
Tel: 07596 196 817
Facebook: The Positive Birth Midwife
Insta @posbirthmidwife

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