Veg boxes are a great way to give your family, healthy, local grown food and support local businesses. Local Mums recommend the best veg box delivery services in our area.

"I highly recommend Kent Veg Box to all Local Mums. You can't get fresher than this. Wow! Great selection of fresh seasonal veg - the colour, smell and taste just go to prove its freshness. Love it!"
Louise, Local Mum
"I recommend Kent Veg Box to all Local Mums. The quality of the produce is fantastic, you will never use a supermarket again. Friendly, small, family-run business and healthy, tasty produce. Perfect!"
Kathy McGuinness, Local Mum of four

Why us?
As all of our veg, meat and fish comes from local Kent suppliers, it is as fresh as you can get. Our veg is harvested for us on Tuesdays and delivered to you by Friday. A short supply route means you can only get fresher by growing it yourself! Our fruit is local when available (loovvveeee Kent cherries..) but as there are no orange groves in Kent we do use overseas fruit.
Our boxes offer fantastic value for money. Not only are they some of the cheapest boxes around, our veg is actually cheaper than thesupermarkets! Don't get us wrong, we cannot compete with the 'value' end of the market, but we frequently find our veg is more than competitive with the standard supermarket veg. So get this, not only do you get fresh local veg, but it costs you less!
Another point to bear in mind is that because our supplies lines are so short the produce has a tremendous shelf life. Our cabbages will last 2 weeks in fridge easy, unlike supermarket veg that has been traveling for a week.....
As our veg is so fresh it tastes better. That is a fact. Anyone who has grown their own knows that you cannot beat that 'just picked' taste. But there is another reason; our farmers pick the varieties they grow for taste, not for shape, size, colour, etc. A supermarket tomato has to be round and red with no imperfections. That is because they sell to you with your eyes not your tongue. We have all had those tasteless insipid tomatoes that look good but taste of nothing. You won't get these with us.
Short supply lines = less emissions. Not only are you greener by buying Kent veg, you are helping the rural economy. We do not source anything other than some fruit from outside of Kent. Remember most organic boxes use veg from all over Europe every week........
Our customer find that getting a veg box regularly makes them eat better. It is easy to get processed food that is quick and easy to do, but the price you pay is the salt and fat and sugar that come in this products. Fresh veg only has natural ingredients in it. Our customers love getting their box just before the weekend and planning their menus with the week's contents.
We have also been told by a few customers that their kids eat our veg when they really didn't like the supermarket stuff. That has to be good doesn't it?
We are not some big company shipping tonnes of produce. Basically it is just us, Steve & Becca, and a few helpers. You won't find a help desk in India or a call-queuing system playing plastic pop at you. Or worse, James Last. We are a small outfit who visit the farms ourselves, pack the boxes ourselves and deliver the boxes ourselves. We therefore have the personal touch which is how we like it. You can talk direct to us and we to you!
We are currently offering Local Mums a 75% discount on their first order.
Steve or Becca
Kent Veg Box
Tel: 01622 747888