Local Mums recommend the best boot fairs in our area
"I highly recommend Croydon Events boot fairs to local mums. The events are very well run and friendly and there are always great bargains and a great variety of stalls.”
Sara, Local Mum
Croydon Events boot fairs
We are a Croydon-based company, with a passion for all things green and sustainable. That's why we take pride organising boot fairs so that we send less to landfill and we can bring people together who enjoy bargain-hunting.
Our boot fairs are held every Sunday on hard standing with FREE parking for buyers
10am to 2pm
Oasis Academy
Shirley Rd
This week the boot fair will feature the Bread Stall from the Levain Bakery, based in Camberwell. This bread is handmade and is baked on a wood-fired stone floor which rotates like a turntable. The whole oven is about 12 feet in diameter in a cast iron casing. The bread turns out truly magical.
We do our due diligence and your safety is assured. We take pride in serving you.
Croydon Events
Tel: 079 0402 1944
Email: info@croydonevents.com
Croydon Events on Facebook