Baby classes are a great way to get out and meet other mums - and your baby will love them too! Local Mums give their recommendations for the best local classes here.
“I highly recommend Hartbeeps to all Local Mums. This is a really lovely class. It has a very calming feel to it. There are lots of new sights and sounds for my little boy to experience as well as new textures to explore. I would definitely recommend this class!“
Caroline Abbott, Local Mum
“I recommend Hartbeeps to Local Mums. I've never had much patience for "sit and sing" type activities although I know my eldest loved them but Hartbeeps has actually managed to change my mind! It's engaging, entertaining and actually quite witty too. It's like the toddler class equivalent of a Dreamworks movie! The kids love it but it's fun for the adults too. I wouldn't be without this weekly class - I take both my girls now and we all absolutely love it.”
Abigail, Local Mum of Patty and Layla
"I highly recommend Hartbeeps to Local Mums. Gentle, soothing and calm! Not what I expected at all when I was new to baby classes. Baby Bells is in all in one, everything you need for a newborn class that's been a lifesaver for me when I was new to the area.”
Neha, Local Mum of Alice
At Hartbeeps we travel on a sound journey to treasure island across Fairy Lake and to the moon, exploring remixed nursery rhymes, puppets and bespoke props you wont find anywhere else!
Baby Bells classes are suitable for children from 6 weeks to confidently sitting. They are a gentle class focusing on bonding with their adult and building confidence. we incorporate aspects of baby sign, massage and yoga.
Baby Beeps classes are suitable for children from sitting to toddling confidently. These are for your bouncing babies and focus on language, cognitive, and social development.
Happy House (toddlers and their siblings)
These are interactive and engaging classes for both adult and child, full of music and movement, developing problem solving, imagination, language, social and gross and physical development. Fun for all the family!
Why not come and give our award winning multi-sensory classes a try?
For a free trial or more information contact:
Andrea Shuff
Hartbeeps Croydon and North East Surrey
Tel: 07809 294357
Hartbeeps on Facebook