Local Mums recommend the best self defence classes in our area

"I highly recommend Kamon Wing Chun Cheam Kids to all Local Mums. Kamon Wing Chun classes prepare you both mentally and physically to take care of yourself, so walking alone feels much safer. But it’s not just about self-defence. Kamon Wing Chun really improves stamina and strength, humility and respect.”
Jo, Local Mum
● Realistic self-defence
● Compatible for all ages and sizes
● Anti-Bullying
● Develop a blueprint for a healthy lifestyle
● Simple, effective direct techniques
Class details:
Cheam Parochial Hall
10-11am Sunday mornings
5-15 years
£45 per month or £48 per month to train multiple classes
New Cheam Kids Class demonstration: How We Achieve Our Goals
With Master Kevin Chan Kamon Wing Chun
November 5th, 10am-11am (see flyer above for details)

Kamon Wing Chun Cheam Kids class is taught by Harrison O’Neill at 10-11am every Sunday morning, who also teaches the Sutton Kids Class Tuesday evenings. The class is suitable for ages 5 – 15 years.
Sutton and Cheam Kamon Wing Chun Kids Classes are led by Sihing Harrison O’Neill who has been with Kamon for 8 years.
Since age nine Harrison trained in various disciplines, holding grades in Kyokushin Karate, Aikijujitsu and Aikido in addition to training Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Judo and has full contact competition experience.
Harrison has a clear understanding of how Kamon would benefit your child first hand.
"I have always trained martial arts since age nine,” explains Harrison. "A victim of bullying like many, my confidence and self esteem suffered as a result of my experiences as did my belief in my ability to learn and achieve.
"I trained karate for 6 years and was awarded many belts but still could not defend myself up to about age 16. Long story short what I was training got me fit, I had a six pack and could do fancy kicks and shouts but I still got beat up and pushed around bu stronger opponents. I ended up not doing much with my time.
"I started with Kamon at 17 with Sihing Steve Barclay and trained karate alongside Wing Chun for about a year.
"I very quickly realised how much time and money had been wasted on unrealistic training. I suddenly was learning how to deal with face to face confrontation and how to deal with someone, no messing around. My eyes were opened into a world of techniques and a no ego environment which seemed so alien to me.
"At 25 I can look back and see over the years I got hassled less and less since I started kamon. I found challenges and threats more funny as time went on and learned how to read people.
"My father became seriously ill and decided to open up a kids class in Sutton where our kamon journey began after 6 years or so training in Kamon.
"After he passed away I found the courage to compete and win my debut competition match in the summer of 2016. The first of its kind, a UK wide full contact wing chun competition, although losing my second fight straight after in a second round KO (such is life).
"I vowed to be the best martial artist I can be, took over the Sutton class and started teaching kids kamon wing chun in the hope of passing on my passion and love for training, what it can do for people and to bring honour to Kamon."
For more details and to book a class, contact:
Harrison O’Neill
Kamon Wing Chun Cheam Kids
Tel: 07903563225
Email: harrison@kamonwingchun.com
Kamon Martial Arts Cheam and Sutton Kids on Facebook