The benefits of baby massage are well-known, promoting secure attachment between parent and child as well as health benefits. Local Mums recommend the best classes in our area.
“I highly recommend Baby Massage With Bettina to all Local Mums. I did a baby massage course with Bettina which my son and I loved. Now after every bath-time instead of crying, he chuckles along to his legs being massaged and then stays calm and contented whilst I rub his feet! He loves it! It was a great insightful course where I learned to massage my baby properly and I learned some new songs to sing to him at the same time. Getting out the bath is no longer a nightmare!”
Kelly, Local Mum of Elliot
“I highly recommend Baby Massage With Bettina to Local Mums. The massage classes taught me how to massage my baby in a way which is comfortable and enjoyable for her, introducing rhymes to make it more fun.”
Maggie, Local Mum of Rebecca
Baby Massage With Bettina
is a way of communicating directly with your baby through loving touch. Touch is baby's first
"language" and it helps to promote secure attachment between parent
and child.
A baby's motor development start from the head and moves down to the toes in the first year. Baby massage helps to develop body awareness and coordination as well as strengthening and toning muscles. It will give you practical tools to alleviate and soothe common ailments such as;
Trapped wind and colic, constipation, teething pain and a blocked nose.
Other benefits include:
Improved quality of sleep
Regulation and strengthening of baby's digestive and respiratory systems
Stimulation of circulatory and nervous systems
Research has shown that baby massage helps mothers with postnatal depression interact better with their babies and ease the symptoms of the depression itself.
Research has shown that massage of preterm newborns improves their growth, weight gain, development and alertness.
It is fun for you and for baby!
Meet other parents in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
For more information contact:
Bettina Idberg-Corr
Baby Massage With Bettina
Tel: 074 1232 5353